Word Match 2 - Team 🏺 is Victorious!

nothing bad ever happens when we hydra


/in ill partner with sabi <3

@Sadbi confirm?



:point_right: :point_left: :question:

@discobot roll 5d20

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:game_die: 2, 14, 7, 1, 20

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great choice of numbers, discobot. we have the min, the max, the only two multiples of seven, and 2, the min not min.

great work thank you very much.


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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But you don’t have the average

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imagine my disappointment when i learn the hammer button does not hit the user with a hammer


It can if you have majority.

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VOTE: iaafr


VOTE: Trochilidae
VOTE: Trochilidae
VOTE: Trochilidae
VOTE: Trochilidae

One vote for each.

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me and who

Can we have a group of three?

Does the votecount actually work or ia it there for no reason

the votecount only works if the original poster in the thread has set it up to have voting