Word Match 4: Thesaurus Sadism Edition - "All According to Keikaku" Wins

It had 2 likes before I know one of you fuckers did it

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In my mind youre like Story or Garfooled much more than the likes of benguined and Someone. I just dont take you seriously most of the time. My default / comfortable stance towards you is to laugh at you or bully you. I dont feel the same urge towards someone and benguined

And I try very hard to keep it that way

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Why do you want to like farm?

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I just want to solve mysteries.

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So then no one individual should admit to it.

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They should because I deserve to know everything

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As you wish.
Everyone, rise out of your seats and claim Spartacus.


What you’ve got to understand is that I’m Doing a Bit. Broadly. With my life. My natural state is very closed-off and formal and such. Very stubborn. The type to never admit to having an emotion or weakness ever. Being a character helps. I’m a character on purpose




Weird bug


Yeah pretty weird


Sorry, I was impersonating Chloe’s account.


See u say this but even when you make serious claims like this i read it in a whiny whimpering voice which is the voice i use when reading your posts. I only back off if i think youre under heavy emotional duress, same for story. Otherwise you both keep making all these claims about how serious people you are but it just makes me laugh, im laughing irl as im writing this


And that means it’s working!


Cause the thing is if you tie your entire self-esteem up in being Smart and Measured and Reasonable as soon as you experience any kind of emotion or momentary lapse in intelligence then your entire conception of self explodes. Much better to be like this. Much less dignified

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Makes me probably sometimes worse at mafia though.

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You can kind of see through it when I get really tired or irritable and snap at people every time they imply I might not know something. That’s why. It’s the old characterisation showing through. It’s not like it entirely stopped existing in my head

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“I’m not fucking stupid” quote from Me, when nobody even slightly implied I was fucking stupid

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yeah why would anyone say that about story