Word Match 4: Thesaurus Sadism Edition - "All According to Keikaku" Wins

@Bionic @benguinedparbecue

Wanna make a team of us three?

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why not

I’ve never lost a game of Word Match (I have never played a game of Word Match)

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i have lost several games of word match


I think we lost in round 1 last time…
That’s my only attempt at word match so far.

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They will be won over eventually

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Three idiots is not powerful without them

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the world has turned and left me here


Guess I’m joining.
/In with Benguined
/Looking for final partner

/in with my loyal servants @Garfooled and @Silviu200530


I’m down if yall are down

I’m cool with it.

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/in with @Myrddin and @Gamina

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Ok, update, I cannot read: benguined is already partnered with Marluna and Bionic.

Sorry about that.

Looking for partner

ara ara this high maintenance girl keeps complaining … i didn’t make it extra special like she wanted to … women …

/in with my best friend in the whooooole world, the wonderful, spectacular, fabulous, magnamonious, GAAAARFOOOOLED! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: @Garfooled

and silviu


I guess I’ll accept
Since you asked so nicely

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