I wouldn’t have accepted that bet
This means Team Red is eliminated, as well as the team with 5 who took the most amount of rounds last phase. Which is…
Team Blue
Team Blue
Sort of a mental typo there sorry
4 of you remain. I’ll start handing out new words now. glgl.
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kill off Chloe and leave us alive tbh
Y’all could’ve at least been cool and flopped like red did
wait this was never in the rules that I never read
they used the word under too many times
so they died
i meant to say phase instead of round but you get the gist
like I said never in the rules I read
im rooting for one of you
we think too different
Arctic actually relates the words while I combine them we lost
hardship and disappointment I put dicey dungeons while he put sadness
try going for “orange”
now we can’t use the word orange thanks
imagine it being fruit and orange now as our words