Round 2 Results
With 7 teams in this round, 2 will be eliminated.
Quick Aside:
I’m extremely thankful to Marluna for handling the lion’s share of this round. Hoping to not thrust so much stuff on her in future rounds.
1st Place
Nutella and Jane, with 1 round!
Marluna warned me about this one, and I promptly ignored her warnings.
2nd Place
Arctic and Arete, with 1 round!
I did not expect ARREST to be as dominating word over SAVE as it ended up being, instead expecting this one to spiral into guessing criminal activities.
Will keep this in mind for next round on.
3rd Place
May and Zugzwang, with 3 rounds!
Not much to say here. This one went about as expected.
4th Place
Pandora and Lilith, with 3 rounds!
In a different context, I could see myself recognizing CELTIC and CELTS as separate words. Coming out of GAUL and BARBARIAN, though, makes it close enough for both Marluna and me.
5th Place
Katze and Alexandra, with 3 rounds!
Lots of tie-breaking this round. Alexandra jumping from JUICE to LEMON is not where I’d have gone, but I imagine they speak from the experience of cutting open a lemon with an injured hand.
6th Place - Eliminated
Hazard and Litten, with 6 rounds!
Lots of near-misses in a round that was too competitive to allow it. CULT and SOCIETY going into RELIGION is hysterical and only the second-best reasoning from this round that will be presented to the moderators on why I should be banned from hosting Word Match.
7th Place - Eliminated
Marshal and Bionic, with 20 rounds!
Lots of thoughts on this one for very obvious reasons.
POKEMON and POTION into LEFTOVERS is clever; POKEMON and POTION into MEDKIT (“from Fortnite”) is a wild response.
BANDAGES and BAND-AID were deemed to be two different things, given that a bandage is a more generic term and applies to a lot of different non-Band-Aid things.
The second half descends into madness.
Very glad that every round so far features at least one team that completely flies off the rails. That’s the fun of Word Match.
Good job to all teams! I will send out information about the Revival Process shortly.