More like word… not match
word… unmatch
Word divorce
More like word… not match
word… unmatch
Word divorce
Word Match v Fortress of Lies: The legal drama
Poker rules.
Pair < Two pair < Three-of-a-kind.
Missed opportunity to make the 4 words just the players names tbh.
just say handy…
Your words are John, Paul, George, and Ringo
Your words are Beatles, Beatles, Beatles, and Beetle
Chat, I think this round broke Pandora.
i haven’t gotten a new word in 24 hours im going to be on the news
holy shit they made GAY DIVORCE real
GAY DIVORCE is being randed N1
One would THINK four player word match means more words to match. More words per match
And it does they’re just slow
Bets on how long the fastest match is going to take. In both rounds and days
we were pretty close for a second
so we thinking next round should be 5 person word match or
You keep this up, I’ll put you on one of the teams.
mods, collective punishment in violation of the geneva conventions!
Congratulations to pandora’s team for winning 4 player word match
so hows it going?