Word Match V: Friendship is Necromancy Magic

How did you know it was Marluna

i know everything

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10% luck

Is god a concept or a food

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20% skill

Is may a concept or a food


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May is a concept.
Nay is soup.


most people would frown on the consumption of cats

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i got ash to use the pat bev gif


I wonder what god tastes like

Been holding onto it for a while.

Okay, next game we start with five players, but each round we vote to kick a player from the group


start with 5 players, but a partial match turns those players into a hydra for the remainder of the round


And one of the people is secretly a traitor,


That would work



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On evens, the hosts kick out the worst performing player in their opinion, to add to any salt

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Round 5 Results:

1st Place

@Jane, @nutella, @Chloe, and @May, at 7 turns!

They matched on September 1st, so it’s been a good wait for them.

In hindsight, this was an easier set of words because I realized fairly early on that if I didn’t allow players to submit a word that only tied to three previous ones, then none of the teams were getting out of starting hell. It felt fair given that OVEREAT throws things into a different direction, but whatever. This is pretty much cementing that we’re giving the same set of words to both teams for the final round.

Aside from that spiral, great performance from the team.

2nd Place

@Arctic, @Arete, @sulit, and @katze, cutting off at turn cap!

VOLCANO continues to haunt me because three people guessed it, and only one of them managed to connect it to three words. The problem basically became, “Once a teammate has established a solid connection to three words, should we go back and retroactively change our decision on the matter, and how should we deal with future players guessing it?” I decided to keep vetoing VOLCANO without the connections because, in my mind, it maintained consistency and was most fair.

On the topic of the actual game, missing a FOSSIL FUEL match on Turn 9 was sad, and the WWII incident speaks for itself. Solid performance, and this team makes it to the next round on tiebreakers.

3rd Place - Eliminated

@pandora, @lilith, @Litten, and @Zugzwang, with a DNF.

Yeah, this one was just a victim of “this round took forever”. Bit of a bummer.
There is very much a world where Turn 23 pulls a DL-6 full match, but more people need to play Ace Attorney in general.
Thanks for playing and bearing with you, ya’ll.

In short, lots of lessons learned. Three big things about the final round:

  1. For the final round, both teams will start with the same set of words.
  2. The final round will start 2024-09-24T01:00:00Z. Teams are heavily encouraged to coordinate times when they can output guesses quickly and to loop me in on whenever works best for the group. I don’t really want to allow communication during the final round, hence the addition of planning time here.
  3. I’m going to tentatively set a turn cap at 70 for this round. Once a team matches or reaches the turn cap, the other team will have 24 hours then however long until the next 9pm EST to match or also reach post cap. The turn cap is very much subject to change based on the pace of this round, but I really don’t want to go below 50.
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I’ll see everyone tomorrow for the final round!