World's Finest - GAME OVER ASH WINS

Welcome to World’s Finest!

Game based on Rumble


  • In World’s Finest, players will take the part of Superheros all trying to prove themselves to be the best.
  • First, you will create and bid on superpowers of any kind.
  • Then, you will use those superpowers to fight to the death.
  • When every other player is dead, the last person standing wins the game!
  • Be creative! The game functions the best when people create superpowers they think are fun and that they would want to have. Don’t try to force an instant win power into the game without creativity.


  • Health is the game’s primary resource. Health is consumed to gain powers. You start with 100 Health, and if it reaches 0, you die and are out of the game.
  • Energy is your power budget for every round. Each round, you have Energy equal to your current Health. You may spend Energy to Attack other players, Defend yourself, activate your Powers, or Stabilize mutations, as listed in their respective sections.
    • Energy that is not used is lost at the end of the round. You may perform any number of these, as long as you have the Energy to spend.
  • Damage is self-explanatory. When you take damage, your Health is reduced by however much damage you took. Damage may be reduced by Shields (unless otherwise specified).
    • Actions that cause you to take damage are called Burns. Burns are generally a cost of more dramatic Powers, and cannot be reduced by ordinary Shields.
  • Shields are a resource that reduce incoming damage. When you would take Damage, it is reduced by the amount of Shields you have.
    • If there is not enough Shields to block all incoming Damage, the player taking damage decides how to block Damage from different sources.
    • Excessive Shields may harm you; see Optional Rules.


  • At the start of the game, players will create two Powers to put into the bidding pool.
  • These powers may be anything. However, the host reserves the right to deny certain powers for any reason, especially for the following:
    • The power is outside of the fundamental structure of the game for little benefit or reason. (If your power is “the game becomes a botc game” then I’ll deny it)
    • The power creates a particularly unfun dynamic. (This is not related to how strong the power is, but be weary that certain kinds of strength frequently correlate to unfun dynamics).
    • The power would be too hard or time-consuming to run.
  • Where a power or action says X, it is assumed that the user decides the value of X.
  • A list of example powers may be found below. These may or may not be part of the Mutation deck.
Example Powers

Thorns - Spend X Energy to deal X Damage to all opponents that attack you this round.

Whirlwind Defense - If you are attacked by more than one person in a round, double your Shields for that round.

Hellish Rebuke - Burn X to deal 3X Damage to a player who attacked you last round.

Final Phase - Once per game, spend X Energy to gain half as much Health.


  • After everyone invents their Powers, the powers will be gathered into a pool and be publicly revealed.
    • Who made what power will not be revealed, but may be claimed or spoken of anyways (it’s not that important).
  • Then, every player privately submits a bid of less than 100 on up to 8 Powers (10 if there’s 8 players).
  • After the first round of bidding, there is a second round where you may up your bids on up to 2 Powers that you already bid on. We recommend using this to secure Powers that have fierce competition.
  • When the second round of bidding is over, the highest bidder for every power gains that Power and loses Health equal to their bid.


  • After bidding, the game finally begins Combat. Rounds will last 24 hours unless otherwise specified.
  • Every round, you have Energy equal to your Health. Every player has access to the following basic actions, in addition to actions provided by their Power:
    • Attack: Spend X Energy to to deal X damage to a player. The Attack is successful if the target takes any damage.
    • Defend: Spend X Energy to gain X Shields.
    • Stabilize: see Mutation
  • Every player decides how they want to spend their Energy before revealing all actions and processing them simultaneously.
  • You may not spend Energy that you do not have. Burning does not count against your Energy expense each round.

Optional Rules

These rules may or may not be in the game, depending on player opinion. It will be announced if they are.


  • Your powers may trigger a Mutation, which grants you new and exciting powers.
  • When a player Mutates, they gain a random Power from the Mutation Deck.
  • The Mutation Deck has an unknown number of Powers, created (or stolen from the public archive or other people) by yours truly.
  • When a Mutation happens, the following round anyone may contribute X Energy to remove the gained power. This action is called Stabilize.
  • The player that mutated must Burn at least 1/2X (rounded down, X is the total amount of Energy contributed), or permanently lose that Power.
    • This is an action that must be submitted alongside other considerations.
    • Excess Burns are refunded, but Burning less than the required amount will still hurt you.
  • There is a good proportion of normal powers in the Mutation Deck, but there may be a few powers that are harmful to their owners. They do not make up the majority of the deck.
  • Additionally, after Round 3 every player will Mutate.

Doomsday Clock

  • After Round 9, the game ends and whoever has the most Energy wins the game. Anyone may Burn 5 to delay the end by 1 round.

Block to Burn

  • Block to Burn activates after round 3. After activation, any leftover Shields that did not block damage Burn their owner, 1 damage for every excess Shield. (For example, if you had 40 Shields and you took 30 damage, you would take 10 damage from Block to Burn).
  • Any Powers that augment your Shields will not count against Block to Burn. Functionally, the amount that Block to Burn cares about is how much energy you spend on Defend, but it is less clear if i phrase it that way.


We might run more rounds after this game is over, since I expect that the game will not take long. You may drop out or join up between rounds.

  1. tutuu
  2. Aleph
  3. Ash
  4. Marshal
  5. Squirrel
  6. Daeron
  7. Zone
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fuck you im putting the decieve inc image in the op


/in i havent finished reading OP yet but i wanna snag a spot it looks really fun!

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neat! when would you like to receive the submissions by the latest? :stuck_out_tongue: i suppose i can send them already

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ill just say like, 24-48h after signups close

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you can submit powers whenever ofc

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I assume any powers that would pull from the archive have been changed to pull from the mutation deck? (To prevent Scam Time?)



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needless to say the mutation deck is curated!

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Rumble time.


also if we run multiple games then I think I’m gonna add a good number of the powers created in that game directly to the mutation deck

there is no need to actually use the Mutation rules and I don’t think i will for the first game but

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Eh… I have a pair of abilities that I love, but they are not suited for combat, so I suppose I’ll have to pass on this game. I wish everyone will have fun!



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You’ll probably need to ping me on discord when this starts

School started so I won’t be checking fol as much



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Weary is a word which means “tired”. Did you perhaps mean “wary”?


wtf is rumble

some game
its definitely not the first google search result