revnt win
as it always does in every gaem
gg ez #1 victory royale
- Revenant
- Cyan, TUUMV
- Reaper (FoL1) [had slightly higher percentage of votes than NES]
- Neutral Extremophile Survivor
- Cyan, Q-B PRVT
- Town Tenacity
- Templar
- Foolish Recruiter
Not even gonna lie a long time ago I was thinking about a role that dies day 1 and can perform actions and achieve their own win con.
Here is someone’s version of it.
Not a directly balanced one though.
That’s one way to describe rev
TUUMV isn’t even that bad
TUUMV is one of the most aggravating roles to play against in FM
It’s less that it’s broken and more that it’s a brick wall
Cyan doesn’t actively make you hate the host.
you’re wrong
Players will be rather annoyed at the host, but it’s unlikely that one of them will be furious enough to murder you
see if you flip this list upside down its a good top 8
Tenacity was objectively the worst role on the list
It should be as enjoyable as you can have with Revngat
I nominated that role without the knowledge that the winning role will get to be in SCoD68.
Otherwise I wouldn’t have nominated anything at all, probably.
But yeah, that role sucks for anyone involved.
That was a problem with the tournament tbh
Since its for a game people were likely to hold back
I voted for cyan every time because I knew it would be impossible to play on this forum
You will all go to hell
Anyone who play’s Worst Role FM will go to hell, the replacements in purgatory, and the spectators on their death bed.
Anyone not involved, you’re on your way.