SELF-VOTE AND ATE!!! lock v, best strat


should probably just leave the thread

I’m pretty sure day action time limit is 2 hours before Eod. (the same as night actions 2 hours before Sod)

I submited it 2 hours ago it’s just a slow moving bullet


car hammer explosions be upon ye

well hold on
you’re not locking onto w!zug

and implied your ability is not straightforward

if you’re town, it would help us massively if you shed some light on this becuase fypov it seems reasonable to assume there’s leeway for zug to be town with a wrong check



why are you afraid of a hammer?
It’s not like CFD will happen from a “redchecked” player.

no zug isn’t claiming, I assume he’s softing a tracker which is a really easy role to be manipulated by maf roles

also nyaaaaaa if there are any real protectives out there I’m a Litten kitten who needs protection :pleading_face: :pleading_face:

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no chance lmao

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die in your grave nerd

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why would we waste the day phase we have?

mfw when I redcheck a protective and then pretend to be sad about not having protectives

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and why is me not wanting a hammer what you’re focusing on here

NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I get to talk to May in deadchat thbthtbhtbthbthbthbth

thats like, one of the least attention grabbing things happening

this post reminded me of the non-mafia game you invited me to where we ended up never being in the same room :joy_cat:

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People haven’t talked like for hours long, when I was looking my monitor absentmindedly…
You really want save us 12 minutes???
For what, exactly?

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what are you getting at

hammers are just always -ev for town unless there’s mech
the only reason to do it would be to save time or to try to unkill a game but nether of those factors apply