I don’t think that I’m infallible. Nobody is infallible. Purposefully coloring my lowest townreads as yellow and calling them null just so that I have the chance of a perfect solve sounds very silly to me. It assumes / hopes that I’m right on everything. I prefer to leave myself a room for error. I could be wrong on a higher townread than on my bottom one(s).
overall I’m at
SDA (a bit lower than Marluna and Creature)
soweli (TBD response)
will explain any if asked; for now typing out questions for tutuu
I think that soweli is mafia, other than my D1 reasons, but also because she feels like an overly perfect townie. It comes off as insincere to me. She is remaining completely calm and not frustrated at being pushed by multiple people for shaky reasons. She is ignoring most of it. I’m feeling like she is desynchronized from the thread. She made a burst of reads and gave some thoughts earlier. It is generally what is expected and required of townies. But I don’t think the behavior is typical. At least, not her presentation of it. (which is just my opinion, on how her presentation comes off as) (I’m elaborating this because I disdain it when people assert and word their opinions as facts).
Going back to my Ishmael read. Ishmael playing like a textbook town when she’s mafia, comes off as a perfect but hollow doll. Does what people want of her. They don’t kill her and she wins. Ishmael as town - does what she wants. Disregards her life. Doesn’t mind dying or being scumread. This behavior is not wanted from towns, but it is very typical of towns. It is very often seen from towns. People are less perfect as town.
I’m not seeing soweli’s soul, is what I’m saying. She feels empty inside. I am sorry if she is town, she is perfectly valid for doing her thing then, if she is town. I want to emphasize that this is just my attempt at solving her. I haven’t played with her before so if this is who she is then this is who she is and I will then know that my guess was wrong.
funny haha team but I can laugh if I’m right later: Tutuu/Zug/Soweli
Ill start doing like more in depth backreading/ISOs tomorrow but Ill do my best to keep thread up in m second monitor for tn until then
Also, I can say with confidence I’m not polarized. I have had a row of bad wolf games, but in order for me to be polarized, people would have to easily find me as town. People don’t easily find me as town. This game and in my last game.
I have jumped the shark at wolfing, but I’m not polarized.
I read some overnight but mostly SoD2
I don’t think pushes other than yours are serious? And just generally I think this is the wayt hat I’ve adapted to dealing with being pushed; I’m fine being killed today, yadda yadda resolve the counterwagon, on the condition that I have a good idea of who the wolves are because the F-9 seems not good rn unless PRs are being compotent
Your attack on me just seems like a “It is what it is this game but maybe it’ll get better yet if it doesn’t it doesn’t”. Sometimes I can’t communicate effectively as town and can’t really fix it within the bounds of the game. Though I wouldn’t characterize my play as textbook town play in a normal sense?
I was hoping you’d say you read overnight,
since that would contradict these posts, which display you thinking in real time
I do find not reading up at night after being gone for a while pretty strange though
do you not?
reading at night is for noobs besides when I am so intensely “what happened” that it piques my interest
like i can make a wallpost if absolutely necessary (and more commonly these days if i’m a wolf) but especially with the site format I’m more inclined to just catch-up when it’s day
IDK if this is AI (for tutuu) but I’m curious
@tutuu do you think you know where I want to go here
can I guess (I guess myself)
actually i think tutuu’s problem with me is that I haven’t real-timed enough.
oh I didn’t mean who I want to vote
I meant, what I am considering saying next / where I want to bring the conversation
I don’t, because I don’t consciously think about what you’d say next. I will oblige your request to make a guess. My guess is that you will now townread me. The reason I think that is because I know I’m town, I think I’m towny for being transparent and putting in the effort to communicate, and part of me wants to not give up on you and consider you could be town, and if you are, I am expecting / hoping that you would find me as town.
I am biased knowing my alignment, so I don’t know how I come off from a 3rd pov. With that bias in mind, I think that it’s very unreasonable to scumread me after Ishmael’s flip. I was scumread on D1 because people pre-flipped Ishmael wolf and thought I’m her wolf teammate defending her. I defended her and she still died. She flipped town. And I am still considered to be possibly be mafia. It’s like Ishmael’s flip made no relevance. I don’t recommend doing that. (That is, if there aren’t other reasons for scumreading me. If there are others, then fair enough. I just didn’t see any. It is not impossible that I missed them. I read all posts from today but I meant, not register them in my head.)