but anyway I don’t actually want to make a draw here, and was mainly hoping to just not die by suggesting that
but anyway I don’t actually want to make a draw here, and was mainly hoping to just not die by suggesting that
It could be any of you three at this point. If Zug is actually the final wolf, he’s played this very well and I’m impressed. I’ll definitely be niminating him for best wolfplay if he ends up being the final wolf after this game.
I’m also relieved that everyone chose to end the night early too.
Zug are you the wolf
nyaaaaaaaaa I’m too polarized to play like this as wolf htbthbthtbhtbhbt
if you want to read meta, you can see
and Hypixel Mafia LXXV: Pokemon Mafia UPick [Day 5] | Hypixel Forums
thtbthbthtbthbthb a little bit of me was tinfoiling that you were wolf with a strongman but I don’t think I should follow that
youre the wolf arent you >:( !
I’m not good when it comes to reading meta and even if I was, I’m not about to disregard the possibility that you broke meta this game.
Im pretty confident Leaf isnt the wolf
and this no kill gambit to try to push for happy ending makes me really think its you over chomps
I just got the result that Zug isn’t an alien. We should vote noexe to force the wolves to kill tonight. I think that’s the play here.
if I’m the wolf I could just nokill without that though
I’ll check Derps tonight. VOTE: NoExe
if you’re gonna do that im voting you too derps
The wolf could easily have nokilled just to frame Zug after Zug said that too. Most hilareously though, they could’ve forgotten to submit a kill before skipping the night.
Either way, our best chance at winningbis noexeing today. We risk a lot if we try exeing someone after all.
intent to vote no-exe
Or, they actually wanted to go for a happy ending