Zone game? there isn’t.

Leafia is a stonehead, who (even though I repetadly reminded people of the existence of Neutrals) was vehemently rejecting the existence of jesters, and she was very loud about it.

So after Leafia voted Aleph (less than 1 hour into Eod), there wasn’t a chance anymore to save her truly. And I really didn’t want mafia to know, I have the info, that all jesters are town. (in my Pov at that time, there had to be more jesters still in the game, so I probably thought I had the chance to save the others, without mafia murking the waters.)

not necessarily a Zone game
any game where you mishandled mech info as town

My plan was hitting jesters at night without them claiming, they coming out next day, that they were turned into villa (even though no one could know their role), and I confirm both my ability and lobby their towniness.

I changed my method only after no one else could possibly be Jester, than a few players, and only one of them hinted that they are a jester. (I already targetted Chomps and Leafia with my ability (next to Ash), so I suspected neither of them was changed from jester.)

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I get not expecting to change Leafia’s view
But Brad and I were also voting Ishmael, so why not try to convince either of us?

And I don’t get why you’d avoid a tie at all, really
I personally am not a fan of randomized ties, but that’s not a reason for me to not vote the person who I think is wolfier (or, in your case, not certain town)

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From top of my head?
No, I don’t think I ever had town clearing mechinfo, especially going into D1.

There are probably games, where I mishandled my cop not guilty results, but I wouldn’t equate those with this mechinfo.

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can you link them
I don’t think they’re equivalent to this but it’d still be nice to see it

No. Apperently.

Town of Salem Game Forums • Index page
(The blankmediagames forum, where I played before fol, has been completely erased (which I just realized now), I have never thought of archiving my old games, and I havent found a cop game of mine on this site.)

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did you try to come up with better plans and not get anywhere? personally I see things like:

  • Claim there are exactly 2 jesters in the game and they are both town, and see who claims (then reveal your true info afterwards)
  • Claim that if someone’s rolename is “Jester”, you can check their alignment, and see who claims (and again, reveal your true info afterwards)
  • Ask everyone to claim something about their role name (such as the number of letters, or the 2nd letter, etc), then use that as a narrowed pool to check at night (or if there are only 2 claimants who could be jester, you’d have your results already)

and this is likely not an exhaustive list

Admittedly, I’m the kind of player who would think of these and try to figure out optimal play, if given a role like this

which makes it hard for me to determine what is a reasonable thought process for most players when it comes to this kind of mech play

I think a better version of this strategy is to have people say whether:

(Their role name is in the MU database OR it is alphabetically before [insert role name that’s about halfway down here])

because then people don’t give up that much info (which is important for having everyone agree to the plan and be truthful) but it still lets you narrow down the jesters significantly

possibly break it into more sections if necessary

fixed (bolded added)

This is bull and you know it Marluna. If you were town, you would’ve tried a lot harder to save Aleph or at least told us that based on your role that there could be town jesters.

I would’ve stopped voting Aleph if I had known about the possibility of town jesters.

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Now to call it a night for real. Good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

Like I said, I didn’t want to target players based on their direct claims. (And I especially didn’t want to fullclaim, until I hit two jesters, either of those plays would have relied to out my role, after “hitting” my first target.)

I didn’t want to risk getting anti-claimed myself, or they having a chance of being anti-claimed.

Either of those would just crumble anything I would have done.

I even started the game via refusing Aleph’s claim,

and hoped she would backpedal from it. But alas she haven’t got my message.

If you would have listened at me at all D1, you shouldn’t have discarded the posibility in the first place, so I doubt this.

I really dont know who could be the last wolf. Nightkills suggests Leafia, but I bet any of you can make those kills to frame Leaf.

VOTE: Marluna

Can we quickhammer this? I am tired. And I cant talk me around not protecting Ishm, when I really should have. (and I thought I am a good mechanical player…)

If Im mafia, game ends. no reason not to quickhammer.

If Im town, I would rather exed now, than F3. there is no way last mafia kill me over an obvtown, and at this point, last mafia wont give itself away, even if we use the whole 48 hours anyway, no reason not to quickhammer either.

Your role is at best useless and at worst negative utility for the town, so I’m not buying this for a second.

You didn’t even hint at the possibility of town jesters so don’t give me that.

Turning unclaimed jesters into vanilla, and confirming them as town in the process.

Yeah, I agree, I think it’s the ephitomy of being an antitown as well.