-what’s your read on me, if you have to force it
-what’s your reads on people in general

I’m not opposed to the idea. I don’t think he is a perfectionist like you.

You overestimate my power (I do not remember Tutuu wolfreading me for voting).


I don’t know. Maybe I would only find the wagon on Ash questionable aorn. Although it seems a lot cleaner than the wagon on me.

Ash is a thoughtful person and he got wolfread for something super simple and easy to not do. Do you really think he goes into a wolfgame and proceeds to make, again, the Exact Same Mistake Twice


What the hell Ash


Gonna keep my preference on Aleph > Ash > me out of all top wagons.

If I could add someone in it would probably be soweli or Leafia. I am not seeing why players townread them.

I was literally just spectating that game and I remember it!!

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or maybe ash is lying!!!

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If I end up lynched today assume Leafia is hard guiltied outed wolf.

This was years ago I’m moderately less silly now

I am not lying.
I am Indian-American.
Get your ethnicities correct.

But this wouldn’t be a mistake. He was mafia last game and voted early. He isn’t voting now, which makes me think he is town. If I am right, from his PoV he isn’t making a mistake. He is being himself and he doesn’t mind letting his alignment be known, as all towns.

What I’m saying is that him not voting early is NAI because as mafia he wouldn’t make that mistake again

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This seems like too weak for a read. It’s like townreading me for not saying “hi” on my first post because I did that on my last game.

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Myslynch go brr

It was a genuine tell last time IIRC, he was wolf and used his vote early, I can see that as a point of polarisation because w!Ash tends to be more confident and tunnelly (using s tunnel as an excuse to push agenda) which corresponds with more vote. But I think it’s way too easy to replicate

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Like it’s the kind of tell that only works once

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This is the key phrase.

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Ash has been wolf so often recently I kind of see the progression ehre. Like my village memories of Ash are weak