No I mean like. You were WORSE than the Combinatorics game where you were town. So I thought you were wolf. Now you’re EQUAL to the Combinatorics game. So you’re null
Seems fair. I would be pissed if I end up being lazylynched despite tryharding.
I have “Want it Less” the cool new thing where you hate winning and just push vases off the tables for fun
the bar is one long post
Why is soweli town? I mean she’s fine, I get not scumreading her, but why townread her?
actual cat behavior
well zug. now its your turn. whats your mindset and is it townie? where did this go. i need this information
Brad seems fine but I don’t have the faintest idea how to read him. I don’t think he has done anything bad but I don’t know if I can catch him doing anything bad as wolf. I don’t know what to look for. So he is similar to soweli for me where I have no tangible reason to call him mafia but he could just be mafia and I don’t know what to do about it. Other than say this.
I was planning to be a more laid back today. I thought I would eventually become consensus town and spend the rest of the day talking about random books and netflix shows. Instead I found myself arguing against 3-4 door catches.
assuming you’re asking about my read on you
but first
are those reasons mostly unrelated to the game / IRL stuff
and do you think you’d be able to not have those reasons D2
Have you tried arguing better things
You’ve also been a little tunneled ironically enough
Fine, look back on that interaction again, seeing where my facts were wrong. Shall we?
The initial vote in question.
literally no one was pointing you at this point. (And are you wondering why Chomps was pushing you of all people after this?)
That really looks as an opportunistic vote from you, I think we all can agree on this part, right? (but you cleared on this with Zug later to be a less serious vote, so I think the rest of the conversation is the more important part.)
At this post you weren’t top wagon, Leafia was even voting the top wagon over you. Unlike what you claim later.

It’s like Leafia saw I was the top wagon and came up with this excuse to vote me.
Chomps wasn’t even voting you anymore, when you made this post. So this is definetly has nothing with Chomps’ agenda anymore. Which you still claiming it does, how exactly?
At this point Leafia was NEVER voted you yet. and I would call both of the votes on you at that point as RVS votes, again, that doesn’t make you a target YET. But with this exact post you garantueed yourself to be targeted… (which Leafia later did.)
Imo, you are in the wrong here.
Not sure. I haven’t paid a lot of attention to other players.
The only player outside of my wagon who I looked at more closely was Marluna, and that got me voted by her.
VOTE: Aleph
I shouldn’t use my ability N1 but I think it would
Be amusing
I am trying to keep my mind open. I even offered benefit of doubt for both Leafia and Ishmael (the rest are weaker wolfreads).
It’s just that I have yet to see Ishmael post something towny. I don’t know how to read Leafia because she barely talked about other players.
Will you not get merked