Zelda Mafia - MAFIA WINS!

Once people die the game sucks I guess

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Turn 2 Flavor

“…you once told me a story of a thief who stole several inventions from your research facility only to return a couple months later because technology had progressed far beyond his rudimentary haul. You’d argued then that humanity’s progress is championed by the few so that the many can draw upon it like parasites. People always sought to fly, you said, but it was only under your rule that they could.

"But people have always flown across the sky; they just did so at great risk to themselves. Our contribution is safety because we also wish to fly across the sky, yet we are unwilling to take the risks that they do. They do not fly through the air after thorough research; they fly by picking up sticks and building gliders and learning after crashing to the ground. Our position does not entitle us to inherent superiority, so we must not deceive ourselves with delusions of grandeur, for this is not a time to antagonize or demonize the people who we must serve.

"It is for this reason that I beckon you to relax the strict control you have across Hyrule, as it inhibits such growth, such adaptation from being able to occur. To combat that darkness, we cannot constrain ourselves to the systems of the past; we must support the creation of the new. An iron fist crushes everything within, your Grace, so we must tread lightly to ensure there will still be a Hyrule after the darkness.

"Additionally, I fear this approach to ruling has come at the expense of the princess, who…”

- An excerpt from a letter to the King of Hyrule written by the King’s advisor, circa two months before the Evekiller’s arrival. The advisor was later sacked and died in the Evekiller’s assault while en route to his home in Hateno Village.

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Brakuren has died. Turn 2 starts now and ends 2024-07-06T02:00:00Z.

Zone has called an Emergency Trial.

This chat will be open for 18 hours.

Reminder on rules:

Your Proximity Chats will remain open concurrent to this Trial, and Turn 2 actions are still due 2024-07-06T02:00:00Z.


Moved NW 5x as asked.

Got attacked. Lost 1 HP.

Leg got pierced by smth. Stamina regen halved. I now have 6 Stamina.

Corpse was already looted; Whoever killed Brakuren already predicted everything in advance. I only have one suspect.

VOTE: Bionic

Dunno how Brak’s corpse is here already even though all I did was move; I should be one of the first people to arrive there according to (my understanding of the) action resolution.

This game is bit.

I’m near a couple of people.
One person knows my ability because I spilled it to them.
The main thing to note is that it means that in my group of 3 (sorta) we likely don’t have 2 wolves which is nice.
Might end up in a 1f1 situation but for now no damage has been done to me

Am not in any prox chat. There should be no-one near me. So again: Dunno how tf I am not seeing anyone.

(Evil probs used May’s wind, no? Ought to be in vicinity still.)
Can’t find them in that case. Not in range of two tiles.

Currently busy IRL. Bitty game has to wait.

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I fell into a trap and lost 2 hearts

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I mean in that world it’s not me / Hip / Atlas.
I’m with Hip and Atlas.
Hip’s in my tile, Atlas is 1 away.
Took me all of my stamina to get to where I am.

Kiirumas threatening to kill me in our tile😧

Nah i have 1 stamina remaining im p sure

Ok wait no ur right

Fuck that makes me look sus cuz mafia start with 6 not 5 haha

Hip lmao

So according to my readslist it is Bionic

lol i didnt know there was stuff on tiles

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