Zelda Mafia - MAFIA WINS!

Trust is a two-way street. It ain’t something you can force upon another person, and the fact you are “claiming” to be willing to kill me is all the more reason for me to not (NEVER) trust you.

Rather than following the plot that someone else has written, I’d rather be an outlier who does his own thing, because the only reason I signed up in the first place (aside from pitying the host) is to explore the world. (YOU ARE NOT GOING TO STOP ME FROM DOING MY OWN THING.)

ok so if your doing something theoretically there is no problem with being followed

let it go man i already submitted the action

@May where are ppl going rn like what are the options

(Psh. If you can, sure.)

(Never! :fire: :man_farmer: :fire:)

he said earlier
one secojd


brak is going group 1

may and tutuu group 3

me and hippo group 4

thats all i remember

Me and atlas are duelling on mountain top. Only one of us will returh

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…you both need therapy.

ight well just put me for group 1 then and we can go to point 2 after point 1

you’ll have to submit the action to go to the point theyre going privately

Someone could be mafia tbh

wait why tf is may spending 3 energy to save us 1 energy


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so could anyone yea

Potential mafia:

  • Brakkuren
  • Atlas
  • Bionic
  • Someone

100% 1, probably both mafia in here.

only ppl in or adjacent to the tile

and your delusional


hes not
hes spending 3 energy to save four people 6

no shot both of em are in there