Zelda Mafia - MAFIA WINS!

You have 3 extra energy left over once you move the 2 spaces with me - are you using that on an action or saving it up? You can save up to 3 energy over (provided you’re town)

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The way our path is set out, saving up the energy won’t actually get you to the Temple of Time any earlier, so there’s no need to save it. If you have an idea for a unique action to do while we’re all together, you can use it now.

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working out the details on a unique action rn

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Awesome. Once we get up to the temple, do you want to head to the tower?

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staying here to kill zone, maybe moving a bit to find him

We’ll need to spend D4 resting to get down from the temple - we’ll both have exactly enough energy to get down if we save 3 energy so we have 8 energy on D5. I could try making a wind tunnel to get us to the temple faster, but that’d take me 3 energy, so I’d only have 2 energy to carry over, meaning I couldn’t get down the next day… I wonder if you could spend your extra energy on setting up, like, a rope that could allow me to climb down the Temple of Time with only 7 energy.

Day Starting Energy Movement Energy Spent Energy Saved Energy
1 5 2 3 0
2 5 3 0 2
3 7 7 0 0
4 5 0 2 3
5 8 8 0 0
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Wait, the wind tunnel would mean it only costs 7 energy to get down, so I’d be fine. I could make the wind tunnel, save 2 enegry, use that to get down, and then we could keep using the wind tunnel the second day to make it to the tower quickly.

That means you’d be able to spend 3 energy on whatever you please once you’re up at that temple. Don’t push me off pls

One of Marluna and Someone needs to follow Brakuren, I don’t want people out alone if we can help it. Bionic is killing Zone, apparently. Kiiruma and the other of that pair… IDK what they’ll be up to, which is dangerous.

If I were an optimal player, I’d probably try to resolve the Bionic/Zone issue so they stop trying to kill each other, but I just do not have the energy to facilitate that conversation right now.

(*slams head on the table*)
Permission denied.
(For hyuck’s sake…)
He can’t do jack to us. We know he is a liar who deserves death. We will do our thæng, and then dip out of this bitty dimension.

So you all are alright dying to Bionic, even considering the worst case where he’s town who isn’t bluffing? Or do you believe that worst case isn’t plausible - that either he’s mafia, or he’s not serious about killing you?

For what it’s worth “I” don’t have enough willpower to actually try to kill Bionic. Heck, I don’t even know how I would have to do it.

(Maybe Mafia has weapons? Otherwise they’d have to have factional attacks.)
(Regardless, we can deal with ourselves. That crazy mofo is the one who’s going rogue against your doomed-from-start plans.)

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I’d rather execute a doomed plan well than never try to execute a plan at all. Better to pick a direction and go there understanding what we intend to do than to strike out randomly on our own. Personality differences, I suppose.

Mafia apparently have one factional kill, which can be used outside action resolution. Otherwise, it’s weapons and pushing people off cliffs. Let’s hope tutuu’s not too irritated with us when we’re up on that tower.

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Oh, I know he’s bluffing. Because I have a semi-broken ability that can’t be used immediately, so I know the power scaling on this game.

Whether he’s bluffing Town or Mafia though: I CBA to care. I’m a wildcard, but at least I openly stated I am a wildcard, unlike this sobbing meanie who’s an anti-town wannabe trying to imitate me from 4~5 years ago.

(Speaking of wildcards, WTF are Someone and Marluna doing?)
(Meh. They’re probably also rogues. Can’t exactly see them being productive considering they haven’t been updated into the list.)
(Yeah… No wonder Town’s doomed from the start. I knew co-op was impossible from the start, which is why I wanted to do my own thing. What did I get for it? A stalker and a psychopath. Honestly, hyuck those people.)
(/shrug What’re ya gonna do about it? Whine? Let’s just ignore them and do our own thæng.)

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people cant stalk others

trust me i debated it
ash denied it

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Is anybody else planning to meet us at hte tower, do we think? Let me do some math.

during my brainstorm for unique actions i found out that i can give a player a backrub for 1 stamina. MDR of 6. if i roll successfully, the target regens 1 extra stamina the next phase. critical fail is they regenerate 1 less. could we use that? also we can use multiple unique actions per turn, and multiple of the same unique actions per turn. i wonder if we can like give each other multiple backrubs to plan out some movement?

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