Zelda Mafia - MAFIA WINS!


I said that the Turn ended at 10pm EST!


its a little blurb at the end of so much text!

Sorry for the confusion.
Just make sure all of you have submitted your actions at the end of 14 hours.

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Apparently my question was misunderstood and you can’t make somebody like bleed out after actions

I’m back to just wanting to kill Zone

Like, WTF am I supposed to do in this scenario?

I signed up because pitied seeing Ash not having this game filled, and I wanted to play because I want to explore the world, so I ignored whatever Town plans because I already know it will fail.

Then I got unfairly threatened by Bionic to cooperate. (Which worked, even though my definitive reasoning was to prove everyone that cooperation in this game is impossible.)

It is “unfair”, because Bionic only pulled this shit on me and not on Kiiruma even though both of us have openly stated we are going rogue. (Like, the only difference is that I interacted with Bionic more, but what was I supposed to do? Ignore him? That’s impossible with my personality.)

(1) Why would I openly state I am going rogue if I were Mafia, instead of pretending to cooperate with the plan and just “not do the plan”?

Then, when I exchanged my freedom for cooperation so I don’t get killed (in-game) after being threatened, I find myself in a location with a corpse of the person who was supposed to be my group partner.

(2) Why would I report the body? Nobody is near me, and according to what I have heard y’all are at least 1 Turn away from my location. If I were to kill Brak, then I could’ve spent more Stamina on getting further away from the location.

Now I ask you: What the fuck was I supposed to do in this situation?

I am Town. I already expressed how I want to throw the game, but I am not because of my past track records. I heavily regret signing up this game, but at the very least I am not going against my win condition.

I play “Towny”. I cooperate. I “behave myself”.

And what do I get for that? What do I get for telling the truth and cooperating?

Being the top suspect.

Like, I already thought this might happen the moment I reported this body, but again:


Yesterday I thought I would wake up with a refreshed mind. “New day, new me,” and all that shit. But no: It still is the same shit situation in the same game. Nothing changed.

Absolutely nothing changed…
Y’know what? This is probably for the best then.
I hate change anyways. Once a loser always a loser. People never change. It’s all fake.

I’m smelling ate I’m very anti ate

we should all be emotionless robots

VOTE: Zone

VOTE: bionic

that vote sure is

why the vote marluna what is your reasoning

I believe Zone more than you

i am not zone’s direct opposite i was on the opposite end of the n1 movement

which someone vouch for