Zelda Mafia - MAFIA WINS!

I hit it because im with May and our chat got turned off because we’re on an item space and i didnt know what to do so i wanted to use it to talk @May

(And potentially more things :smiling_imp:)

Me and May are on the temple. Where are u guys?

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(there is no dead body, everyone has a 1-shot emergency meeting button)

didnt realise being without may for 1 minute constituted an emergency


Im a simp what can i say

We are supposed to get down from the temple but there was a change of plans on how to do that and i wanted to get in touch coz i didnt wanna get separated

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I was just gonna use the way we’d planned, because it works every time and you’re low HP, but I suppose you could use the extra energy to heal? IDK

It’s up to you ultimately

You’re the one who could die

The wind tunnel isn’t strictly necessary, it’s technically more efficient for me to do whatever with 2 energy and then use all 8 tomorrow to get down, cause the tunnel stops being active after tomorrow, but if I use the wind tunnel then you have 3 energy to spend today and use your action if you want

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You and Atlas gonna reach the top of the mountain tomorrow?

Sorry these are a lot of long words and are going over my head :sweat_smile:

Lets just get to the tower asap. What is the way to do that?


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Also what is everyones location right now?

Now not only is Bionic dead, Someone is completely unsupervised. The two of them were going to be at the tower to either prove each other town or get redchecked

You should’ve placed some damn votes, all of you should’ve

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If you didn’t want to execute you should’ve voted no execution

I’m located on top of the Temple of Time

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@Someone Where are you and what are your plans now that Bionic is dead

Still at the same location, trying to examine Brak’s body for two turns in a row and still failing!
Whose idea was it to use RNG to let players investigate!?
Wasting Turns (i.e. time, both in game and IRL) is already bad enough, but I fucking bet this examination wouldn’t even reveal the killer even if I win the coinflip!


hippo ran away
neither me or kii (whos with me) know where he went

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hes not ontop of the mountain cause the item slot there wasnt claimed