Zelda Mafia - MAFIA WINS!

I think it might be a system thing…

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…can you elaborate

I’m gonna ask Ash, but I think we just straight up can’t see who killed somebody even if they die in front of us, because of game system constraints. Like the game wouldn’t super work if we could see who did any given murder

I just asked: if somebody killed tutuu in front of me right now, I wouldn’t see anything


Even if we were in a proximity chat


Zone’s been complaining about this for days

i assumed it was a phantom killer or he just did it

CBA to ask, so I copy-pasted this quote instead. Had a little back and forth, and TL;DR “yes, i can spend 3, okay nvm 1 stamina, but it most likely won’t help me out figuring anything from Brak”

In other words, this corpse most likely won’t ever be useful in figuring out who the killer is. At least, not in my hands. (At least the new examination has a MDR of 8, so that’s some improvement as far as RNG goes.)

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figuring out how they died (melee or range) is the only thing that could feasiably be solved
i severally doubt a nat 20 would just tell you all the killers

I’m only 1 space away noooo :frowning:

Yeah. The game’s system shit.
It’s gone to the point where I stopped redacting my words.

Like, maybe there are interesting stuff to explore in the map, but if…

  • the investigation DnD system is shit or non-existent
  • evil players exist who can kill T1
  • role balance is non-existent because town had a T1 effectively guiltless Vig who could threaten and has threatened other players to follow their orders

…what even is the joy in this game anymore? You might as well say you dropped a fucking nuke at Turn (-1) and kill all players from radiation at the end of Turn 4 at this point. If this were to happen, then none of us would be able to notice it anyways.

It’s bad to the point where I might as well stop being a FM host and start being a Misc host.
Because this much torture can only be fun for the hosts.
No need for review. No need for balance. Player suffering is not a problem.
Like… Man, being a Misc host is the dream job for any sadists out there.

…i seriously think that we should evaluate all other options before directly stating that the fault is with ash

I am on the mountain lol, I said I had an ability :smiley:

@Kiiruma the item is shareable, let me know ur location when we are in prox chat i can give one to you

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i quickly figured that out

sorry Atlas but I don’t fully trust you and i’d rather not give an item to someone in my poe

i’d have recommend giving the item to kii whether or not you trust me
i think hes pretty obviously v

I understand I am being framed (most likely by the very people who suspect me; I would be moderately surprised if it is Luna -moderate because I have been betrayed too often to the point where no betrayal is the highest form of surprise at this point), but that is a social issue. It has nothing to do with mechanical issues, which can only be one person’s fault.