Zone's Testament - Mafia Victory

Fair enough. It happens.

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Even I’ve been N1ed once. By Arete in that one game.

I was N1ed in my second game here, but never since

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its because youre so fun to be around !!


Ah. Tell you what. The next time I’m a wolf and you’re a villager, I’ll make sure that you die N1.

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I’ll hold you to that, nya

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Just gotta get everyone to make me this promise so it’s NAI

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Or tell the wolves about it every game.

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@May if i rand wolf against you i will bring you to F3, and you will know that i would keep my word on this, but you will vote the other person because i am cute


I appreciate the promise of torture

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nah its not a promise because that requires me to play again and also rand mafia and also let myself endgame, three things i do not intend on doing any time soon

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I’m going to adblock this gif link

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That’s a completely empty threat I’m not actually going to do that but it’s a funny one

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i just used ublock to block mays profile picture


suddenly things are a lot calmer, a lot more peaceful. ahhhh so good, so calm~


Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya


cute that you think you get to decide this

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id say “i can just openwolf and die” but the last three times i tried that i endgamed lol