Zone's Testament - Mafia Victory

I think that tutuu’s posts have been relatively good, sure wolves can have decent posts but vibes (mostly)

RoseRedWitch seems generally pure: specifically, having more than two wolfreads at this point in time is something that I think new wolves would attempt to avoid, knowing there are only two wolves in the game.

It also is clearly smart and quick to pick up on things, and I like that a lot, so perhaps I’m a bit biased. That’s not relevant at this point in time, though. Thorn is still towny.

What specifically?

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Show me cause i feel like there’s been nothing remotely worth reading into

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Could you provide examples for this?

IcetFeelsPain trying to solve early on is towny. I like the confidence. I would like it more had he not backed down a little in a follow-up post, so I would say my early wolfread on him is not entirely negated, but I certainly feel much better about him now.

This oddly reads as good just because I feel like wolves wouldn’t bother posting something like this. It just feels like a relaxed towny.

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And I would also like to make the source of my read on Leafia clear: these posts feel extremely heavy-handed, especially in the context of a thread where so many players lock-townread Abigail for her early posts about being excited to be town. Her opening with such a clearly thought-out post that also attempted to look casual makes me uncomfortable with her slot.


Loyalist early game vote, immediently making enemies.

Saying they’re only fine, not really pocketing at the same time not distancing. Loyalist.

Loyalisty cant tell you why.

This is so so wrong but such a weird traitor thought.

They had a vote alligned with a traitor, and I did explain it.




That is fair enough. I don’t disagree that tutuu’s few posts have been fine.

The way your read was initially phrased drew my attention. Claiming a “vibes”-based read but not taking responsibility for it, so to speak, by adding a caveat about how “sure, wolves can have decent posts”, is something that benefits wolves significantly. You receive the credit for defending a town player without ever risking changing anyone’s minds.

However, the fact that you have explained your read instead of doubling down on “I don’t know, tutuu just has towny vibes” is something that I find town-indicative, so I do not feel strongly about that read for the time being. You passed the test I had set up for your with my questioning, so you may go free.

The difference is obvious. One is faked and the other isn’t.

Then why haven’t you listed them?

Not quite yet she hasn’t.

Because the easy townread thing feels partnery. That’s what has me a bit concerned.

And why can’t Luka just be a wrong villager about your slot?


It’s definitely obnoxious.

So? Not everything has to be prompted and besides, it’s true.

Pretty weird vote here. Please explain it.

Reading some of Jail’s posts, I’m willing to give them a slight townlean.

How have they been offputting?

I have literally never seen anyone put out such a readslist this early and believe me, if I was a wolf, I’d be pl laying this game way differently due to how much I love being a wolf and how long it has been since I was last a wolf. It’s actually hilareous to me that people who should know better are actually wolfreading me right now.

Tutuu seems weird to me. Slight scumlean there.

Not quite yet, but I’m getting there. What’s your read on me?

Yup. You’re definitely town and maybe because it’s true? Would a wolf even think to say something like that though? I doubt it.

Anyone who can read me even the slightest can tell I’m obviously town right now as I’d be way more active and have higher wim as a wolf. At this point, I’ve given up on Abi learning how to read me correctly honestly. She never learns from her mistakes. Good to see Kiiruma can see that I’m a villager though. Also, you don’t want to execute me because I’m a secret PR. Or is it just WIFOM for the wolves? Eh, probably me just being silly and just trying to enjoy myself as much as I can. Hopefully next game I’ll rand wolf finally. Hopefully. Now to eat a tasty brunch. :sleepingleafeon:

Which both of them are progression.

If you look at context it isn’t very hard in my opinion.

This is an extremely wolfy post.

VOTE: Leafia

You have full described why it is non allignment indicative. Congrats.

Okay so first off borderline pissed. You wolf read me for this last game, and now youre going on about how youre obvious town.

Okay so congrats. Youve also done something you wolf read me for, and how can you have higher wim when in your second post you were announced going to sleep? Your WIM is clearly not due to motivation.

No its an extremely townie post im jst pissed

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Would you mind explaining why it’s towny?

  1. Leafia herself last game said that LAMIST is suspcious, she wouldn’t say this as wolf just due to how inherintly evil it is. She’s a capable wolf.
  2. Insulting players as a wolf doesn’t seem to be Leafia’s style IMO, I would assume she would be much more graceful.
  3. LAMIST alone normaly comes from a town point of view, simply because they see themselves as obvious town and cant understand why exactly anybody else wouldnt see that.
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I can’t see how the post is wolfty in any metric. Dumb? Sure. Wolfy? No

Nommy nommy we winning