Zone's Testament - Signups (FILLED!)

I would be so down to hydra so that we don’t SR each other for once
On the other hand—
What if we rand mafosi 0.0

I was going to at least backup since Kiiruma was in
I haven’t played with them in a while
But there is always next time

I really only hydra if it’s an all hydra game
I don’t like hydraing in general because in theory you can play a perfect game but if you’re partner’s ass you lose anyway

I was partially joking so it’s cool
But I don’t understand your implication?
I’m going to assume this is a general statement so that people don’t feel bad when you refuse and let it go

Because I thought you outted + I wasn’t sure I was joining anyway
(Not because I wouldn’t want to hydra with you)

I don’t know how what I’m saying is so confusing

let’s say me and Rem are hydraing cuz that was the last hydra I was in
if I play perfectly, everyone believes I’m town and I don’t scumtell at all, but Rem scumtells and people think they’re scum, I could still be executed just because Rem messed up
and vice versa can also obviously be true
and both worlds suck ass

I’m only outting if more people inned than we need

I didn’t count but I’m basically saying “Kiiruma can have my spot if he was late”


If it’s not full


oh its mega full OP hasnt been updated HJKLSADKJHAS


so many people are trying to get in

/out (confident)

this should be mandatory for any fm game tbh

or at least no spoilers


thats why i didnt post when we played


we were town and also you’re a good player but okay…

I agree

damn i am not allowed to spec. good luck either way

Ah, no. It’s fine.

Mind you, I don’t remember.
Not events. Not people.
I simply don’t recognize.

…y’know, considering this is an open mountainous,
I really wonder why the reviewer can’t join the game.

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*checks player list*
Uh… I am unable to read the room,
so I will have to ask just to be sure:
You are not an alt, right?

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its not an alt :3c

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