Zugbot Turbos and Testing Thread

yeah it doesn’t
I should change that

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also it appears I can still use the site! despite the increased rate

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@Atlas has died!

They were...

perhaps try 3 seconds?

Not Voting (4): May, Ash, Zugzwang, Bionic

I’ll try changing this instead

effectively, with how it’s written now, there’s a randomized 0-4 second delay between posts

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not between

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technically the same phrasing if you count day opening post

I meant, like, between in a short time

the point of it is because if you try to post too fast, you get ratelimited and the post fails

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Not Voting (4): May, Ash, Zugzwang, Bionic

ok I have to go for a bit
I turned off the bot now; will probably make those changes for next run



(with changes)

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About Zugbot

Zugbot is a bot made to host mafia games on FoL. It is currently experimental; if there are any bugs, report them to @Zugzwang and/or the game hosts.


Votes are placed with the same syntax that is usually used by the VC plugin on FoL. However, ambiguous votes are resolved differently.

If your vote is an not an exact match* for any playernames, and is not a substring of exactly one playername, it will be resolved to Not Voting.


  • The playerlist is {Zugzwang, wrongboy, joycat}. You vote for “Zug”. This vote is resolved to Zugzwang.
  • The playerlist is {Zugzwang, Zugbot, joycat}. You vote for “Zug”. This vote is resolved to Not Voting.
  • The playerlist is {Zugzwang, wrongboy, joycat}. You vote for “g”. This vote is resolved to Not Voting.
  • The playerlist is {Zugzwang, cat, joycat}. You vote for “Cat”. This vote is resolved to cat.
  • The playerlist is {Zugzwang, wrongboy, joycat}. You vote for “May”. This vote is resolved to Not Voting.

*Capitalization, spaces, and other characters that cannot be present in Discourse usernames are ignored.

Voting is plurality only.


  • Actions are submitted on the forum, with the exception of the mafia factional kill.
  • All publicly submitted actions need a ping to Zugbot. Privately submitted actions do not.
  • Multiple actions should not be submitted in the same post (this may cause them to be processed out of order).
  • If you have an action, the syntax needed to use it is explained in your rolecard.
  • Instant actions should be processed in under a minute. Even if an action is not instant, it will provide immediate acknowledgement, to show it has been seen.
    • If an action does not do this:
      • You may have forgotten to ping Zugbot
      • You may have mistyped the syntax or mispelled a username
      • There may be a bug in the bot (during testing, this is the most likely outcome)
      • Zugbot may have went offline
  • The mafia factional kill is submitted in wolfchat on Discord, through the Discord bot there.
    • The command to submit the nightkill is “$nightkill [player]”.
  • The factional is mandatory and not assigned.

Parameters for this game

Day length: 10 minutes
Night length: 10 minutes
Action Deadline: 2 minutes before phase change
Multivoting allowed: False
No-Exe allowed: True
No-Exe wins ties: True
Minimum Delay Between Votecounts: 3
Minimum Postcount Between Votecounts: 0

also nyaaaaaa what do people think about this

I’d argue worse given that mafia often relies upon hammers as a strategy.

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Day 1 has begun.


@Ash has died!

They were...


I’m coming for your head.

Not Voting (6): Atlas, ElizaThePsycho, Zugzwang, L.una, May, Bionic