Zugbot Turbos and Testing Thread

add a random string of letters in the <>

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@Ash was eliminated at random among the tied players.

They were...

Night 1 begins now.



ok you’re confirmed Litten

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this should be done for next restart

@ElizaThePsycho has died during the night!

They were...

Day 2 has begun.


The following is a modpost:

Not Voting (4): Zugzwang, Bionic, May, L.una

which one of you guys is da mafia


I’m da mafia ghost.

who’s ur mafia tm8


how about your other tm8

Not Voting (4): Zugzwang, Bionic, May, L.una

VOTE: may

Side note: is it possible to announce the tied players and build suspense into the roll by posting it into different messages?

Something like:
Thread locked
“L.una and Ash are tied. We shall roll to determine who will be eliminated.”
[five second pause]
“The eliminated player is… [Summary] Ash! [/Summary]”
[ten second pause]
“Ash was… [Summary] Mafia Day Vig! [/Summary]”
“Night 1 begins now.”

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