Zugbot Turbos and Testing Thread

Day 1 has begun.


3.14 and i forgot the rest of the digirs

pi (raspberry flavored)

ok killing the script now (will resume it later)

thbthbththtb it should be possible for me to move the files to the Pi and restart it there

22/7 + epsilon


you just reminded me theres an off fangame ive been meaning to play


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/modkill L.una @Zugbot

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the more things change the more they stay the same


you and @Cyanide are now hosts this game (thanks to being able to restart the bot, I can change the config like that midgame)

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now to see if this really works…

@Zugbot /sub L.una tutuu

@tutuu has replaced in for @L.una.

Do not discuss replacements.

Not Voting (7): Ash, Chomps, Atlas, tutuu, May, Zugzwang, ElizaThePsycho

@zugbot /sub tutuu L.Una


uhhhhhhh I think running /votecount in my PM broke it

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try to see if we can keep going off this setup after a crash

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already tried that (and it worked and let me do the sub after being offline for hours (and being transferred to a different machine))

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