Zugbot Turbos and Testing Thread

oh I see the bug


(why did I even write these as loops thbthtbhbb)

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do you see the bug

i cant read code but im assuming it uses the same generation at the start of the game as it does the end

that’s the code to update it when there’s a substitution
buuuut I update config.playerlist usernames twice, instead of updating mafia_list

(also I think this actually makes config.playerlist become incorrect! but it doesn’t get used anywhere IIRC so it didn’t cause any issues)

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make sure not to forget about this incase you want to use it in the future

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yeah I’m fixing it now lol

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nyaaaaaaaaaa one-liners :heart_eyes_cat:
(yes this one-liner doesn’t actually fit on a line)

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night 0 success

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this is ready to test publicly but I’ll do that later tbthtbthbthtb

changes are

  • there is a night 0 for the mafia to choose the gunbearer
  • elimination will not happen (regardless of EOD votes)
  • votecounts are only posted on [day start / death / modkill / sub], to keep the vc displaying the up-to-date playerlist
  • feedback like “your action has been recorded” will usually be posted after public effects, so that daykills and such are not delayed by that


/help @zugbot

/help @zugbot

Blue's Clues…



Zugzwang has joined the game.


/modify day_length 5

Days are now 5 minutes long.


/modify night_length 2

Nights are now 2 minutes long.


/modify topic_id