Noted. Yeah, I’d believe so. It resembles an attempt to masquerade a survival attempt whilst brushing it off, and whilst that wasn’t my intention in the moment, it certainly looked like it given particular commentary throughout the day. It’s a common habit exhibited by many that’s generally found on a backread with the benefit of hindsight, eleven days after the fact.

VOTE: Magnus

Justification: in case there’s a witch running around. just vibes. no other reasons.

Magnus did not pass the carbon vibe check

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I Gossip that exactly 4 of the following characters are in play: Puzzlemaster, Tinker, Witch, Godfather, Assassin, No Dashii, Ojo

I Alsaahir guess Carbonated, Lotte, Zug as Minions

The VC is taking twenty seconds to load each time.


Yep, it sure is.
Also I can’t tell whether those who have “Nominated” and those who have voted first for an execution will all count as having nominated lol.

When is the voting phase

It’s already going on (I think)

Isnt this the nom phase rn

Nominations and Voting is 1 phase

Ah gotcha ehos nommed

Can i see that somehow

assuming I missed nothing:
Magnus → carbonated
Jarek → Litten
carbonated → Magnus
guava → nuto
Silviu → Zug

idk how to make tables on forums.


Zug - By Silviu (Though it was before nomination phase so idk) and (Even after nomination phase opened it wasn’t by voting the slot at that point like the OP says it should be)
Litten - By Jarek (Done properly as the OP says)
Nuto - By Guava (Though it wasn’t by voting the slot like the OP says it should be)
Carbon - By Magnus (Though it wasn’t by voting the slot like the OP says it should be)
Magnus - By Carbon (Done properly as the OP says)

So @Silviu200530, @guavagudetama and @Magnus if yall want to nominate who you did then can yall vote for those who you want to be nommed :pleading_face: Reading the OP is fun, yall should try it

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And the fact the hosts haven’t confirmed who is/isn’t counted as nominated due to several people not nomming how noms should happen has made this a pain smh

VOTE: Carbon.
Sure thing, I’ll accept your Witch soft. For legal reasons, this is a joke.

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Can we have a manual VC, please?

If any of yall die, you’re the ones who chose to nom in the first place.
Also I’m not nomming because of a witch smh.

what’s life without a little risk? :)