Looking at my claimlist, I think I see some plays that can be made here.

VOTE: Litten

Sorry Mittens

Ir doesnā€™t upset the evil distribution, but it does help to ascertain the evil team picking favourites. How cruel. The Goon tried their best.

Evil Cannibal

Bottom text

I asked Carbon a question, she posted a couple more times but didnā€™t respond to my query. Iā€™m mainly reiterating this to spread awareness in case it was missed the first time.
I think Carbon should have more votes today, if I needed to hazard a guess. I donā€™t see much of a downside even if sheā€™s good, beyond the obviousā€¦

wait where is the question I canā€™t find it :skull:

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Here you go.

Who would log on the internet and say lies??? You think somebody would do that?!?

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Also Magnus, sleep


iā€™m not actually the Gambler, so yeah.

oml i did not see this my bad

told you the truth m

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holy i j realized what time it is in MagnusLand.

(you should sleep Magnus)

Cool, so in that case you probably wouldnā€™t oppose this ventureā€¦


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Iā€™m wondering if Magnus has unresolved sleep debt and has zombie eyes right now

I caught up on my sleep debt two days ago.

Magnus confirms they have zombie eyes

Letā€™s say I understand where you are coming from


Sleeeeep :ghosthug:

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Itā€™s not dangerous to stay up late so long as one recuperates regularly, itā€™s fineee.

I disagree with this smh but okay

Letā€™s point our fingers at Magnus so they feel ashamed and sleep

oh okay so you want me to delete the ā€œbut okayā€ part"?