Obviously the worry is not actively game relevant because I re-placed (or placed for the first time) the vote but I’m going to express it in the game thread because that is where the people who would remember if this happened were. If something else had happened for some reason they could reassure me “oh yeah you posted that and then it got deleted” or “you posted that in the wrong thread” or “look, you overlooked the post, it’s right there”. What else was I supposed to do? Worry myself to death in my own head because you think I shouldn’t post something mildly off-topic an hour before day-end?

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mmmmmmmmmmmmm ok
in that case I won’t nom them

also I likely have to go for the remainder of the day, so gl

If a vote was deleted or hidden, would it be removed from the votecount? I wonder.

Good luck have fun!

hmm crazy 3f3d with me so VOTE: Carbonated

Edits don’t work

They usually do?

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Like edits change the votecount unless a host posted a VC after the given post

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Edits for people voting don’t usually iirc

It’s only if a VC was posted after the edit I thought

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Could be wrong but edits didn’t work for some part of the plug-in didn’t work but I may be misremembering what part

Anyway I’m pretty sure I didn’t ever make the post and I made it up. Which is. Fine I guess. I’ve made up worse. It’s the typing the post part that’s vivid and sending it isn’t something I’d bet money on. It should’ve saved as a draft if it didn’t send, even if my internet was out partway throug, which is why I was worried. But maybe it deleted itself. It doesn’t matter anymore, you’ve all told me I didn’t send it and that’s all you can help with


Who are people thinking of being the evil team currently, assuming a summoner exists

3f3 is kinda playing it safe considering the damsel fiasco last time.
Unless you mean a ‘crazy choice of 3f3’

I’m branching out with multiple viable suspects who seem either paired with each other or not, but I’m not confident in being correct enough to lock anybody as evil yet.

Carbonated / Lotte / Nuto as Minions seems viable from one point of view, but they could all very well be good considering other lines of data. Maybe replace Lotte, who realistically has few crimes to shine light on and has been present, for Kelsier whose whispering patterns also align and elucidate an issue you’ve been made aware of.

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I would like to Alsaahir guess Carbonated / Nuto / Kelsier as Minions.

I’ll abstain on gossiping tonight.

I think they display a level of pep I wouldn’t see from them as evil, and… quite honestly, they talked a lot.

Yes. It gives Evil a day to do whatever they want.

I would implore somebody else to vote.

We were discussing whispers, and they brought up that they whispered you for so long and most of it was creating fake whisper logs you could call back to (last game).

I then asked for some lines from those whispers so you two couldn’t use them again.

okay so sorry i j got back (3 mins before eod oops) but I didn’t have time to backread

anyway, yeah yk I take back what I said earlier a vote on myself is good

cannibal whoever you are if you exist you will receive solid confirmation tonight and yeah!

if we can’t push out someone then myself actually works beautifully

VOTE: Carbonated