And looking at me

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Iā€™m sitting and looking right now also

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I turned it slightly to the left and the cat is now drinking water

I should drink water

The cat is doing it so you should to

Thereā€™s overlap between both categories, but itā€™s admittedly baffling enough that you would choose to act this way at all. Ascribing awkwardness doesnā€™t need tangible explanation, and you certainly are capable enough to pretend readlists, yet whilst thereā€™s no recognisable villager motivation for your patter behaviour here, I could only imagine you would try to feign comfort with a jesting remark or demonstrate miscellaneous properties because you were distracted.

My presupposition is that you could have been attempting to rolefish which characters I believed to have been in play by anticipating an opaque answer, but thatā€™s an uncharitable assumption given we spoke relatively early into the day. Another idea is that you were attempting to distance yourself from your last game, particularly to mimic the imagery of distrusting me since there wasnā€™t a commanding D1 to go along with it this time. My current image of you is with the Summoner token, meaning you wouldnā€™t need to survive very long at all. In this case, you should have attempted to seize forceful control or integrate yourself into solving the game, akin to how a baron might play. But you didnā€™t.

Sandbagging is an interesting consideration. If we presume you behaved exactly how you intended to, perhaps you could have wanted to look like a Minion knowing weā€™d likely chase a Demon/Summoner immediately. You could reach this conclusion from the discussions we had in the pregame thread following the initial rack, and your own normal claim would incentivise us to keep you alive if we just tried killing normal Minions first.
(This is specifically conjecture.)

Not wanting to townclear anyone, or debating against the reasons to trust even Nuto, without providing alternative outlooks into who might be on which team, thatā€™s relatively self-explanatory for hypothetical evil behaviour.

Do you prefer your meat tender or well-done?

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All townsfolk remember to aim your pitchforks at magnus tonight to counteract the obvious summon

What? Did we ever have this conversation? Did I ever debate you about this? Huh?

All I remember is you asking what I thought of nuto and me saying I donā€™t fucking know

Iā€™m not even that good at playing evil, why would they want to summon me when Iā€™ll just be scrutinised anyway??

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Magnus please keep in mind I did not backread thread and I still have not backread thread so I didnā€™t have nutoā€™s Cannibal claim in mind when you said that

I asked if you thought the fact Nuto knew Carbonatedā€™s claim was clearing, you said he couldā€™ve learned about it from alternative means because Lotte was sharing it or because Carbonated self-voted it couldā€™ve been gauged.

I also donā€™t think (as far as I know) nuto is even remotely confirmed for that claim lol anybody can claim Cannibal

Oh, right, well thatā€™s true

Look, itā€™s funny to summon the guy getting:

  1. Preached
  2. Innkept
  3. Exorcised
  4. Checked by the RK
  5. Gambled
  6. Checked by the fortune teller
  7. Checked by the Diamond hand seamstress
  8. Witched by the plague doctor whoā€™s going to die to a gossip
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Lotte literally was sharing it readily, using it to get role info from me as ā€œconfirmed townā€. That is not information Iā€™m clearing somebody for knowing

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Only two of these will be happening.
Which two? Who knows.

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Iā€™ve already contacted every townsfolk in a ten mile radius and held a meeting about this. Expect to have ten visitors tonight.


Now youā€™re going to wolfread me for forgetting the conversation included nutoā€™s Cannibal claim. Please keep in mind that there is no reason to lie about something that provable. I am having memory issues here for out-of-game reasons I refuse to talk about.