I was stupid and I made your experience worse for it I don’t like making peoples experiences worse

So I don’t want to do that

I hold no resentment but I didn’t have any in the first place so it feels inaccurate to call it forgiveness

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Does that mean we’re cool

I really want sushi now.

That’s cool

Who wants to die though


I almost got sushi earlier but I went with a duck soup instead. It was very good

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My mom doesn’t like spicy food at all. She was like “should I order the hot and spicy chicken”. I said well no it’s spicy. She said she’d ask for it mild. She got it. It was too spicy for her. Shocker


More for me I guess (I couldn’t even make a dent in my own meal I did not eat much of hers at all)


Doug Doug is sharing family stories and Parkzer in the background is eating 3 families meals of sushi.

I’m sure out of 15(?) players someone has a lead on someone right

I guessed one of them, lucky me

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well it’s more like 13 but still

No let me guess everyone lied to everyone else so nobody knows anything


When the outsider with massive negative utility is the only one telling the truth I think we have a lying problem

ok to be fair it’s 5am

Fair warning I refuse to nominate since my role is known from here on out, not unless it’s prudent. there are 13 people 12 of which are not the demon myself included I’m of the belief I don’t need to risk a witch curse just for a nomination

I can probably nominate today though.

VOTE: May.
It’s safe to get this onto the board. There’s a plausible chance I’d be Witch-cursed if one was in play, so I’m just presuming it doesn’t exist since the other Minions seem confirmed.