I don’t know why, but they’re evidently pretty certain

also I wouldn’t particularly mind if I died to it tbhtbthbthbthbt
it’d definitely be -EV because I can’t keep using my ability
but I’d personally enjoy the confirmation (and information that comes along with that) more

Not without spoiling contextual information which isn’t mine to give away, I don’t think.

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Godfather modification and Litten dying to the Assassin in a Summoner game, predominantly.
I don’t think it’s a Kazali game, Ojo’s readily disprovable.

VOTE: May.
VOTE: Kelsier.

Jarek’s probably town in this scenario, in which case, like, Guava is also evil or something. I dunno. It doesn’t really matter.

in which scenario?

May/Jarek/Kelsier can’t be all Minions together in a Summoner world, or at least it’s very implausible.
This was logic from the first six hours of the day and ignores post-Nominations logic. Given recent events, discounting them together feels more cognizant.

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strangely, I somehow believe Jarek is town in some way, though logically it doesn’t make a lot of sense

like, earlier today I was thinking through “if I die to a witch curse does that basically confirm me?”, and in trying to rule out each role, I had the thought “Well, if I’m godfather, I just push out Jarek, because that gets me an extra kill”, before realizing I’d assumed Jarek was town

it’s… not quite the usual “gut feeling” type of way though
I felt that earlier, somewhat, but not now

oh, also - are you still confident that Jarek can at worst be a spent assassin? and couldn’t instead by any of the other evil roles?

The Godfather seems predominantly weak in this script, from my broad understanding. It’s sorta just a baseless double kill following an Outsider claim death which confirms multiple things, and the only way for evil to bluff a Godfather kill is with an Assassin. Gossip isn’t even really plausible since it’d typically kill non-priority targets for either team.

ignoring the kill though, the outsider modification + knowing the in-play outsiders seems fairly potent though?

Either there’s +1, which in this case means 3 outsiders - so an evil player can bluff outsider, meaning we have 1 evil in a pool of 4 (which is quite good for evil)

or there’s -1, which then means an evil is free to bluff outsider and make it appear as though there’s no godfather

This no longer applies, no. It would be more likely to presume Jarek would be the Godfather in such a case, given the immediate lock onto his claim in his first whisper. He did talk against this philosophy earlier in public, claiming Outsiders as Godfathers, but I think avoiding a true double claim is more of an indication than anything else.

I believed the Assassin thing when I thought Jarek was in a contradiction.

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The Outsider modification purely seems to exist in order to obfuscate the Kazali’s existence, in my humble opinion. Which is to say it’s nevertheless highly impactful, so long as the Kazali isn’t instantly outed by a Damsel change but whatever. But that usually just seems to be its primary power, knowing information is helpful early on but probably not super major (Minions already know about a Damsel, and PD is the only other one which is really important. It’s also only usually just one practical bluff for the evil team, max).

Have you ever seen a Godfather [-1] in practice, Zug? Sincere question.

Okay so what’s the case on May

You most likely already know some of the pertinent details, from our private whispers earlier, if I recall properly.

My eyes are glazing.

This is my second longform game of BOTC, and I wouldn’t remember if I’d seen it in shortform.


Actually, I did hear about that in Assassination Classroom. You portray the guise of a more experienced longform player well enough that it’s easy to confuse.

I asked because I’ve only actually seen the [-1] used for bluffing purposes.

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