I ain’t doing any of that if I joined the BOTC official server and joined a random game lol

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I’m the kind of guy that has gone philo lunatic (on the first possible night don’t do it after that that’s very not good) just because

but anyway

considering you know a lot of people lie (regardless of whether it’s a good play or not), why do you expect the outsiders to be any different

uhh because there’s outsider modification and a role that loves fake-claiming outsider so by not claiming outsider they are letting that role get away with it and hiding the outsider modification

I mean it’s a role like any other outsiders can hide if they see fit like any townsfolk can but at some point people have to start telling the truth

@Magnus who was the gamer double claiming plague doctor btw

Icet backed down from it.



I agree at some point people have to reveal it, but not necessarily now

Maybe, but I think now if ever would be prudent to do so

uh good morning, chatty townsfolk! can someone pls give me a quick rundown? :pleading_face:
Sorry i couldn’t make it to whisper Magnus I slept :zzz:

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You’re all good, don’t worry! There’ll be other chances.

I nominated May, and Chomps nominated Jarek. Before nominations opened, Lotte & May & I had a chat, which then spilled into public discourse after the phase ended. There’s room for both nominees to be town as per their defences, but there also exist tangible reasons for either to be evil and their reasons to the contrary aren’t empirically that great, it’s just they’ve been reacting with mannerisms, speeches and tones that would be unexpected from wolf slots.

Lotte and Litten were also reporting on a charity stream which is cool.

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cool tyty (i am so behind in notes this time. considering giving up :laughing: my inadequate brain is surely adequate)

ooh neat!

Your brain isn’t inadequate! It’s just a lot of information processed as a brief summary, you’re more than capable enough or parsing over the thread even briefly and understanding, nay, thriving! I believe in you sincerely.

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VOTE: may


Zuggy-Zuggy zug zug

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I’d like to see how May responds to me when they return, but for now I don’t see the case on them as comparable to Kelsier* or Jarek
admittedly, I can’t see the original text of the whispers between May/Magnus, but May’s defence feels reasonable

@Magnus, could you post-by-post paraphrase / summarize the relevant whispers, if that doesn’t take too long?

*Kelsier was also somewhat suspicious socially in my whisper with them d1.

on this, I’d like Kelsier to be an option, and according to Magnus at least, a Witch is not in play

VOTE: Kelsier

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Why is Magnus ruling out witch, do we know that for sure?