how do you unvote on forums
I keep forgetting death exists.
Momento mori.
Hit the back arrow by the hammer
Or vote for “NO_VOTE”
UNVOTE Kelsier
May got to it quicker, yeah.
ty both
it broke again ffs
May (5): Magnus, May, Chomps, IcetFeelsPain, Kiiruma
Kelsier (3): Magnus, Zugzwang, IcetFeelsPain
Hazardwaste (1): Jarek
Not Voting (8): Litten, Hazardwaste, carbonated, guavagudetama, Kelsier, crazynuto, Lotte, Silviu200530
Magnus, is there a realistic world where last night’s kill was a gossip-kill?
You have never spoken or really mentioned him.
I don’t know precisely how these hosts run Gossip, but with my current understanding, no. Not really.
Huh… jarek hasnt talked to me the whole game.
VOTE: MayVOTE: Kelsier
Litten just feels like a Demon substitute kill if it’s a Gossip.
so is it me lacking some info here, or is the case on May a lot less strong than that on Kelsier/Jarek
I’m going off of something litten told me