100000th poster gets a homie

Why do bash “dead-beat” bands for not releasing any music but we never question if the studio has bad vibes? Or if it’s just unpleasant to be around?

Why do bash “dead-beat” Bionic for shooting ITA immune Jake but we never question if killing somebody who can actually die has bad vibes? Or if it’s just unpleasant to do?

The 3am thoughts got to 'em.

Why do bash “dead-beat” May for not being empathetic but we never question if the people have bad vibes? Or if it’s just unpleasant to be around?


lets post cute animal pics while no one can like posts


why is the grey one glaring at me judgmentally like a popular girl in middle school

I needed to feed them food. They were unhappy with me.

heads-up to everyone that this will stop at the action deadline

so @nutella have you been thinking much about your NA?

idk if i want you to claim exacts but i do think you need to say something to be held accountable for it lol

also just generally curious about who you’ve considered/why

Good post

i confirm that i went with a target you in particular recommended

idr who i recced so ill just assume past me was cooking or something.


im probs just gonna vibe till sod if im alive cause works been busy today and i just had an entire convo with my boss about a promotion that kinda drained me because she was being obtuse :wowee:

Wait that role was probably swapped onto Jake wasn’t it

what gives u that impression

It’s the perfect JakeTheWolfie role

The “last person standing” thing isn’t super JakeTheWolfie but it’s niche and probably wouldn’t see use anyway, putting the ITA immune role on the first person anybody would think to ITA is wise