Dust & Vashes (FoL) - MAFIA VICTORY!




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my dad a villager acyonom googe. com

Final Day 3 Votecount

Rover (6): Kanave, Frostwolf103, gori, SultanOfSlam, Canping, bystander
Caitlin (1): Rover

Not Voting (4): Memekingpizza, Triss, Kelsier, soweli

We’ve got hammer. Allow 5 minutes for preparations to be complete. :sleepingleafeon:

Rover has been executed!

His role was...

Day 3 has ended and Night 3 will begin. It’ll end at 2024-09-18T21:00:00Z.


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This topic was automatically opened after 23 hours.

@Memekingpizza has been killed!

His role was...

Day 4 starts now, and ends at 2024-09-20T21:00:00Z.

Since there are 9 players alive, majority requires 5 votes.


good morning chat

Meme with the expert bait LOL


i am here

Hve you done any reading? Any thoughts on the game?

Are you still going to vote me out of the game? Be real honest with me?

not really but i think my poe would be from non voters and maybe at least 1 from rover’s wagon?

ppl have been afk sooo

this game feels like a dumpsterfire

who do you think is the most suspicious on the Rover wagon?

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honestly i dont know at this point