Dust & Vashes (FoL) - MAFIA VICTORY!

Dust & Vashes (FoL)

Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return. – RandomGuy

Hosted by @Zone_Q11
Co-hosted by @Leafia
Reviewed by @Luka


  1. Follow the Forum Game Rules.
  2. Post a minimum of 10 game related posts per active phase.
  3. Fail to heed the former rules more than twice, and you will be subbed out or modkilled.
  4. Hosts have the privilege to add and/or remove rules in the future, except the first rule.

General Mechanics

  • This is a slightly altered open setup based on a setup with the same name from Mafia.gg. This setup consists of 1 One-Shot Cop, 1 Medic, 1 Vash, 9 Villagers, 1 Godfather, 1 Hitman, and 1 Understudy.
  • Day Phases last 48 hours unless majority is reached early. Night Phases last 24 hours.
  • All actions must be submitted in your classcards / role PMs or designated Discord channel.
  • Mafia members may only communicate with each other in Discord during both phases.
  • Factional attacks are mandatory and not assigned.
  • Action deadline is two hours before phase change.
  • The host will announce when XYLO occurs.
  • The game starts when the player list is fully filled.

Special Mechanics


Vote Mechanics

  • Use the latest voting format.
  • Plurality: Whoever has the most votes at the end of a phase will die.
  • Majority: At any point during day phase, whoever has >50% of all votes will die.
  • In case of a tie, a random player within the tie will be executed.
    –unless [No Exe] is also tied, in which case [No Exe] will take priority.
  • [No Exe] is a valid vote, and may be hammered to end the day early.
  • Self-votes are considered valid votes.
  • Votes are locked in LYLO.

Living Players

  1. @Canping - Victorious, Mafia Vash
  2. @bystander - Victorious, Mafia Godfather
  3. @SultanOfSlam - Endgamed, Town Villager
  4. @soweli - Endgamed, Town Villager

Dead Players

  1. @Sayno - Executed D1, Town Villager
  2. @PrincessAbigail - Killed N1, Town Medic
  3. @Chomps - Executed D2, Town Villager
  4. @Caitlin - Killed N2, Town Villager
  5. @Rover - Executed D3, Mafia Understudy
  6. @Memekingpizza - Killed N3, Town Villager
  7. @Kanave - Shot D4, Town 1-Shot Cop
  8. @Frostwolf103 - Executed D4, Town Villager
  9. @Kelsier - Killed N4, Town Vash
  10. Phraze | @Triss - Killed N5, Town Villager
  11. @gori - Executed D6, Town Villager


  1. Triss | Subbed in N0 for @Phraze


  1. @/TheSilverScepter
  2. @/May
  3. @/Zugzwang

Thread Summary

  1. Day 1 Start
  2. Day 1 End - Sayno executed
  3. Day 2 Start - PrincessAbigail killed
  4. Day 2 End - Chomps executed
  5. Day 3 Start - Caitlin killed
  6. Day 3 End - Rover executed
  7. Day 4 Start - Memekingpizza killed
  8. Day 4 - Kanave shot
  9. Day 4 End - Frostwolf103 executed
  10. Day 5 Start - Kelsier killed
  11. Day 5 End
  12. Day 6 Start - Triss killed
  13. Day 6 End - gori executed; MAFIA VICTORY

All roles have been distributed. As mentioned in the signups thread, the game (i.e., Day 1) starts at 2024-09-09T21:00:00Z.

It is currently pre-game (A.K.A. Night 0). No actions shall occur Tonight other than Mafia members potentially using their Factional Tactician.

Players may vote to start earlier by writing “/skip” in their role PMs. (Mafia may opt to write “/skip” in Mafia Chat instead.) If all 15 players have voted to skip pre-game, then the game will start immediately, adding the extra time into Day 1.

Regardless whether pre-game is skipped or not, EOD1 is scheduled to occur at 2024-09-11T21:00:00Z unless Majority has been reached.

@Triss has substituted Phraze.

Do not discuss this matter.

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Day 1 starts now, and ends at 2024-09-11T21:00:00Z.

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This topic was automatically opened after 47 hours.


How do I vote people again?

Also long time no see Sultan, I’m 0Ix on MU

VOTE: SultanOfSlam

Ah I may have found it(?)

My guess for the team issssss Canping, Triss, SultanOfSlam!

im claiming wolf


VOTE: gori

that’s not what you’re supposed to do

But you claimed wolf!

no you’re supposed to just shade me and not vote me out

where is everyone

But I only shade ppl if I actually find what they did suspicious

The mafia got 13 nightkills N0 it appears


i literally claimed wolf how TF is thish not suspicious

The way you claimed it was NAI

I know I sometimes sus wolf claims but then they actually were suspicious…!

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