Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

I guess you can’t convince someone if they don’t want to be

But at least consider it

Speaking of gotta, have somebody heard of gorta lately?


the goddamn trees made me forget about him

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Hey boss is back

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I don’t think gorta has ever not been busy

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idk what they could even do tho, its not like anyone can solve my problems

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Someone pull out an infographic

solution imo is just power through, and then retire and do whatever

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Hey when was this site created

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I’m trying to remember if boss was before or after

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I know he was on old fol but can’t remember when new fol was created

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I am similarly inadvisably stubborn about mental health stuff but seeking treatment for physical health issues even when I could technically “push through them” improved my life significantly and had minimal downside. It did not make me better or stronger or less of a “burden” to just ignore shit, it just meant I was making myself suffer for no reason. I was and still am able to do better for myself and for the people around me while, like, being treated for this stuff


Damn y’all need to conjure infographics better

2011 unless I’m remembering wrong.

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Fortress was not created in 2011

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old site was 2016 wasnt it. random trivia i know somehow i dont know how