17776th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

ici what’s your fave baseball bits

itf you channel the 2000 ravens hard enough you can win anything without offense

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i mean ray lewis ALLEGEDLY killed peoples so let’s go too far

okay so they had a little bit of offense


you know i think i really struck a homerun with this one

i really like the one about that one rickey henderson series

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I hadn’t heard of this because im not that big on sports so i read into it and naturally claimed self defense so like. there are alot of jokes in bad taste to be made here

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you know the one. the one where Rickey just casually completely dismantles the Blue Jays. shoutout to Rickey

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isnt he that one music guy?

no thats jimi hendrix my b


maybe but Rickey Henderson (baseball) is the greatest base stealer in baseball history. and also a complete fucking freak

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he mostly refers to himself in third person

“People are always saying, ‘Rickey says Rickey.’ But it’s been blown way out of proportion. Rickey says it when Rickey doesn’t do what Rickey needs to be doing. Rickey uses it to remind himself, like, 'Rickey, what you doing, you stupid. … ’ Rickey’s just scolding himself.”

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prefer how it was broken down in the dave steib documentary
they’re both great examinations of his greatness but just prefer the “we need to take a detour from our topic to appreciate greatness” yknow

my favorite baseball player of all time though? Old Hoss Radbourn

second place is Alfred Lawson, though not for his, uh, baseball pursuits. they merely make what he did afterwards so much funnier


for me the man who represents baseball best is bonds
all time fave has to be felix hernadez

i do fucking love King Felix, let me make that perfectly clear

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chat are we feeling Mariner watch parties if they make it to the postseason