Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

blame ob5 (i an emphasizing i had no part in this)

i am a part of the 2% (i dont actually believe this but i will say it anyway)

feel better friendo

Evil only begins there because people are far too willing to damage what they see as inanimate. What I’m saying is that I’m concious and none of you are. You’re all just automatons here

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Spoken like a true robot

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i’m now calm!

(you’re great and you’ve literally never done anything bad by me)


but i feel like i should say this now
if you’re going to post anything vaguely sexual on a p13 website and you’re not gonna stop unless someone gives you an explicit reason why, ask me, please
otherwise just. dont.




pardon, is this rolemadness?


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(by this i mean "there may be a small amount of VTs but ideally no:)

give me like 20m-2h to calm down fully, please
but i’d really like to help

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ill add you soon :tm:
the design is mostly finished but if you have any ideas feel free to DM them to me or smth
ive been trying to rely on my own design competency so that its more cohesive tho

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only if you’re cohosting ofc

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(99% will, just need to make sure i’m not insane)

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ye ik
meant that as a general thing

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more accurately, whos to say most things aren’t concious. That the wires aren’t concious. If something takes input, processes, and then outputs in a way which can affect its input. It’s concious. Better yet if the process is based on previous inputs, now it has a memory. It can’t think but it’s there. It’s real. Your computer is ALIVE litten. You know the problem where you have a real person on a screen and a digital copy that merely emulates them completely? They’re both concious. The internals may be different but you have cloned a person. It’s all real now

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I think even this definition of conciousness is strict. The wider you go the easier it is to realise that conciousness is constant everywhere, always fleeting, ephemeral. And we’re here, the result of catching it and putting it into a meat mech. We aren’t the output or the process either. We’re just a result of those. It’s… impossible to say if we’re fleeting too. How can you prove you’re the same conciousness you were a year ago. a day ago. 10 seconds ago. But I think there’s something in the sustained process that makes it more than just a moment

it’s true i’m not conscious

feel free to invite me

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