24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

Like peak relationship to me is just ‘person who i am not actively frustrated by’



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I blame the childhood trauma for this

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Always the damn trauma

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Me when I am constantly paranoid that people that I love and care about don’t really care about me or will just stop loving me and leave

Me when I try to correct this and then over correct and end up in yet another situation where people I care about dont reciprocate any of my efforts and I don’t notice that it’s the same thing for a longass time

(how the fuck did I not notice that my former best friend stopped putting in the effort for so long
I have records of this from at least 6 months before we collapsed (it’s probably more!) and I tried to communicate with her about it and she was like “sorry… busy… we don’t go to the same school anymore…” and then changed absolutely nothing about her behavior to remedy it and then this happened like 3 times before I finally put my foot down)


damn this week is her first year anniversary between her and her girlfriend apparently [once she got one she basically started ignoring me way more than she did before. like I would dm her “hi” every day and she would say one thing and then say something about her girlfriend and then leave immediately]

Me when I post the horrors to the cookie thread

my brother is watching such fine quaility youtube content as “STALKING MY AUNT FOR 100 HOURS *She cheated?”

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every day? if a friend did this to me it would be hell and make our friendship feel like a chore to me, but maybe it’s just me beacuse i don’t like private talking


well the problem is that. long-distance friendship. you gotta keep in contact somehow so i just did that


Truly the zenith of Youtube.

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Wait 'til they learn about feet.



well how would u do it :wowee:

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Just ran 1,609,340,000,000 nano meters today. Feeling good about myself.


hate arena dude has one card in hand and is using full timer


honestly id prefer being in a group chat that has them, that way I’d feel more comfortable talking on the daily

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yeah i tried that actually. conveniently they were all friends from my old school.

everyone else in that group turned on me as soon as they learned i was trans. (i also tried getting her into nerdcord and failed miserably)