2r1b - Round 3 - "Secure" Underground Bunker [Room 1]

Why are we re-electing Brakkuren after we just deposed them

I have no clue what brakā€™s role is

@Brakuren im down to meet

Guess all the americanos are asleep actually

very important nya

jane what happened in other room last phase do you have any gossip

all that happened in this room is leafia outted catbae as capatalist

lemme check I forgot most of it


can i whisper anyone yet

yeah tutuu isnā€™t gonna notice anyway

Yes but I want to talk to brakkuren first to know their color and role

actually Iā€™m too lazy sorry

nah tutuu has fully shut me down and wasted all their whispers again so i have given up on that plan

Tutuu promised they would meet me this round if i voted catbae as leader last round

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tutuu has been playing this like its big brother. he has a close circle of friends they report to.
he is probably asking you to wait cause he doesnt want you to share info to anyone else

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i mean that probably is how to play?

I realised at the end of last phase how the game actually works and Iā€™d love to play again when I know how to play from start. This has been a steep learning curve of what to say and not say but itā€™s a v fun game and would be more fun now most of us understand the meta a bit more.


i am enjoying it. i think theres too many king maker like roles. and after i had a think about it at work i understand the play now and it makes sense


sorry i have drunken and am a bit out of it.
this was like a random thing i said in the middle of a sentence.
i think without kingmaker like roles i would love this

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Yeah idk about the noots. I vaguely remember from like 5 years ago there was a neutral called ā€œHot Potatoā€ which was basically:

ā€œif you card share with anyone, swap role with themā€
ā€œIf you are hot potato at end of game, you loseā€

I remember that was a really fun role