2r1b - Round 3 - "Secure" Underground Bunker [Room 1]

Kiiruma is outted President

im rlly bored does anyone want to meet

i am incapable of not spewing everything i know in meetings so i am a good person to meet

If I don’t meet someone I’m going to have to do actual work and emails shudder

@Hazardwaste do u wanna meet fr lol

if ya want but i dont know what i can tell you

i… can actually tell you alot lol

okay lets meet, like this post as final confirmation and i make pm

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/message Hippo 2/3

oh really

damn you just went to PMland


@Bionic you got a message left?

Nah not really but could be

Probably are

I think they do
but you should talk to Leafia

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why am i talking to leafia

it will make sense when you do
regardless of your color it will be useful for you

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i am now in immense fear.
also zug wanna form peace?

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i knew we had fisticuffs. but peace is stronger then hate

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