2r1b - Round 3 - "Secure" Underground Bunker [Room 1]

I am catching up on recent developments. One moment. How many meetings do we have?


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are you certain?

one moment though I’m busy for a few minutes

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Daeron who’s winning

tutuu who’s winning

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blue, they have complete majority over every room due to greys hard bluesiding


could you tell me who those blue’s and greys are exactly?
It’s for my book report

also can you tell me who president and bomber are?
and send me over to their room if possible

I don’t want to be leader it doesn’t make sense

Kiiruma, Ash, pigeon, spookycat, Leafia, Whysper, N.1, Hazardwaste, Hippo, catbae have all elected tutuu’s candidates

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no im red i was just shitposting

Thanks that’s very useful

for my book report, y’know

you literally revealed mastermind to me.

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if im about to lose im going to reveal everything i know to mastermind out of spite

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Want to meet at 3:30pm? I have meetings till then but can put in my calednar

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lmk by 2

No. The plan is to make Hippo the leader. Now to get fully caught up.

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Leafia if ur trying to help me idk but I don’t want to be leader