2r1b - Round 3 - "Secure" Underground Bunker [Room 1]

I am now. @Hazardwaste

are we sure leafia is blue spy?? they could easily be a grey thatā€™s allied with hippo, the mastermind

Daeron are you shitposting or not?

i have gone from trolling to the trolled

youā€™re very good at appearing like you didnā€™t literally immediately reveal your mastermind card to me

I did not.

that makes sense actually. leafia genuinely betrayed our deal so that they could ally with the mastermind.

No fr I lied to you about my role we shld meet at 3:30

Iā€™m very bad at appearing

and they managed to find them because I outed hippo as mm
hippo mustā€™ve shown his mm card to leafia as well :person_facepalming:

Zug is on our side.

Guys Iā€™m actually Ambassador

Sorry I only revealed this now I didnā€™t want wolves to kill me because it seems like a pretty strong role

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No he didnā€™t.

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Daeron has been converted to Cult

Hitler promised to not invade Czechoslovakia but look at what happened. Welcome to the real world, son.

Daeron, mewt with Zug. Thatā€™ll clear everything up.

Bro Daeron do not meet with Zug lmao

Meet with me

I am not meeting with blues LOL