2r1b - Round 3 - "Secure" Underground Bunker [Room 1]

Hippo, he literally has to. It’s extremely important.

nyaaaaaaa I’m back
it’ll be Iconic if you do! you can’t refuse that nya

/meet Daeron (2/3)

/Meet Daeron

choose me

if I meet with you, do you promise to reveal the president to me if you know who they are?


that’s the only condition I’ll meet with a blue


Then meet with me first. /Meet Daeron. @Daeron @ElizaThePsycho

Guys I think Jane is a wolf?


/Not meet with Daeron

Everything will become clear soon Jane.

That’s ominous

eVEry tHiNG wILl bEcOme CleAr sOon jANe

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Jane and Brak, get your vote back on Hippo.

leafia you don’t understand i shouldnt be leader

Why not? All you have to do is send me and Zug into the other room.

I’m confused then

VOTE: Brakkuren

Agree to send Zug and me and I’ll vote for you. It’s the winning play here.

No it is not