2r1b - Round 3 - "Secure" Underground Bunker [Room 1]

Hippo is now our leader. @Hippopablompoyeetus Just submit the hostages before heading off. It’s that easy.

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hippo worse comes to worse. its 11 am for me at that time. if you think you cant make it give it to me. but i would rather you try your best


The game might come down to me and Daeron trying to outsnipe each other by relaying info about the submissions on the final day. Appropriate way to end this game

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private submission might actually be within the rules anyway. is there anything stopping hippo theoretically writing down the hostages on a piece of paper and then handing it to eliza?


Jane leader?

I’m fine with you privately submitting hostages, I trust whatever choice you make
you are, after all, a mastermind

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I actually asked and Eliza said no

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I can do it at 11:30 latest take it or leave it

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Sniping hostages isn’t even allowed

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it will be funny though!

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Also i rememebered 2 new roles which are really really good and worked rlly well last time:

RED Engineer ­ when playing with the Engineer, the Red Team has the following additional win
condition: the Bomber must card share with the Engineer before the end of the game or the Red
Team loses.

BLUE Doctor ­ when playing with the Doctor, the Blue Team has the following additional win
condition: the President must card share with the Doctor before the end of the game or the Blue
Team loses.


This is probably relevant for IRL with no ambassadors. Irl ambassadors are allowed to walk freely. Unless ambassador is a core role

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(i dont disagree that it should be private its a simple fix)


I can’t really see a reasonable justification for ambassador changing the whole “never fair” thing to “being fair”
but I do appreciate ambassador and this rule have no specific mention, but I’d also say that silence does not mean yes or no

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conflicting rules that I guess will be dealt with when eliza is available zz

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Going to head out for now for RL. :sleepingleafeon:


Uhhh not midgame but I’ll consider it for next time

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Cat (Lost Leadership to votes) → Brakuren (Transferred Power) → Hippo

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