2r1b - Round 3 - "Secure" Underground Bunker [Room 1]

Yeah yeah I get it
@Hippopablompoyeetus leader



Yeah sure hippo can write them down
Iā€™m ngl I have no idea whatā€™s happening but also I think that if hippo has to stay up until 2am something is seriously wrong

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nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this is probably worth saying clearly to everyone.

In order to achieve majority in Room 2, Red team needs 5 red-siding players there.

It is ~certain that tutuuā€™s leader in Room 2 will remove any remaining reds there, other than the bomber (who has to stay in that room).

We can send 2 red-siding players, but thatā€™s only 3 total. So, to win, we need to get 2 more, either through converting a player, or making neutrals side with us.

If MI6 has not cardshared with the bomber, then they can redside in exchange for that. That being said, thatā€™s not very likely, as the only person who is currently dissenting in Room 2 is Marshal, who is red. So realistically, we need both the Gambler and a convert to win this.

Gambler always wants to promote the currently winning team (in this case, blue), as itā€™s the easiest to predict who wins withā€¦ unless they think the Mastermind has a decent chance of winning. The Mastermind can share their info & planned guesses with the Gambler (either privately, or publicly right before the end of round 5, or both) in exchange for the Gambler red-siding.

Leafia and I are Socialist and Mastermind, in some order. The Mastermind will do the above with the Gambler, and the Socialist can hopefully manage to convert someone. Therefore, it is best to send us.

Also, next round has only one hostage. Which means itā€™s now or never.

ā€œBut isnā€™t the Mastermind trying to get more info this way?ā€ - Yes, thatā€™s part of it. And obviously, Red and MM canā€™t both win. However, if the red team wants any chance of winning, they have to do this. And the Mastermind is incentivized to keep the game close and force out more info from peopleā€™s reactions, so they want to to help red here.

So @Hippopablompoyeetus youā€™re free to do whatever, but if you donā€™t want to throw your wincon, you have to send me and Leafia.


Also yes I am including these next time

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you know tutuu can read this right

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I have another role list prepared!
Itā€™ll probably be a bit before I host it again (MY GOD THE NOTIFICATIONS) but Iā€™ll end up doing it regardless
Probably <1mo before I submit it

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yeah I know
tutuu can also read the messages that have said basically as much throughout today

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tutuu cant read


Iā€™m sending hazard leafia

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that loses then but ok

i have the most faith in hazards ability out of the reds here

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yeah I agree this is best decision

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hazardā€™s ability toā€¦ do what
convince the blues or neuts to throw?

i think thereā€™s a chance they send the wrong ppl to us

Thereā€™s a few roles recommended for this purpose
The Blue Security can make it so that someone cannot move rooms until the round ends and canā€™t be a hostage
The Red Pirate forces someone to be a hostage
Both of these are ~supposed to be used on the last round
For whatever reason these roles are recommended to be organized in this way despite the existence of Red Security and Blue Pirate
I canā€™t figure out why but they prooobably have a good reason


there is not

@Marshal - red
@N.1 - blue
@Ash - blue
@Kiiruma - blue
@Kanave - red

this is all pretty clear

the remaining 3 names contain 2 neuts, which tutuu almost certainly knows the identity of.
tutuu also pretty clearly knows who the bomber is.
so, they send the non-bomber + the person in the remaining 3 names who isnā€™t a neut (prooooooobably Whysper)

yeah but they donā€™t know this for certain, i dont think we do.

i have woken up

I know the bomber for certain

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